The business cost of DEI fatigue: Why leaders can’t afford to give up on workplace diversity

To mark Race Equality Week (3-9 February), Raj Tulsiani, CEO of Green Park, urges leaders not to use DEI fatigue as an excuse to pull back on inclusion efforts.
The lost art of team building

Have we forgotten the importance of team-building in our haste to ‘get things done’?
Should more employers be considering dual tracks for progression?

Kellie Plummer, Director of People at Progeny and a Culture Pioneers Award winner, explores the benefits of dual career tracks for both organisations and its people.
Revisiting the past to become better leaders under pressure

Are you an optimist or a pessimist? An internaliser of an externaliser? Our childhoods affect who we become and even impact us as leaders. Leadership expert and consultant Nik Kinley and IMD Business School Professor Shlomo Ben-Hur discuss how we can better understand these tendencies to perform well under pressure.
LinkedIn mastery: Powerful strategies for HR leaders

To be recognised as an HR thought leader of true worth, an optimised LinkedIn profile is crucial. Here are tips for crafting and maintaining an impactful profile and presence.
CoachGPT: Is the future of coaching AI enabled?

How can we leverage generative AI to increase the accessibility of coaching in a way that enhances the performance of individuals, teams and organisations? Here, we explore the challenges, opportunities and ethical considerations for businesses looking to adopt AI coachbots.
Deloitte 2024 Gen Z and Millennial Survey reveals purpose-driven generation

According to Deloitte’s Gen Z and Millennial Survey, today’s younger employees are highly purpose driven. If we don’t provide opportunities for our employees to find personal meaning in what they do, we risk being unable to attract or retain purpose-driven people who willingly go over and above for the business.
“I hope you get cancer and die.” Stemming rudeness with self-awareness

The customer is always right, right? Wrong. A new survey found a huge increase in violence and abuse towards shopworkers. And incivility is becoming a growing problem everywhere. It seems we all need a refresher on self-awareness. Without it we don’t have the ability to make the right choice.
An AI crossroads: Which path will you choose?

We have reached a crossroads with artificial intelligence. If we choose the easy direction, AI will exacerbate societal ills. If, however, we take the more thoughtful and yet arduous path, AI might well enrich our lives. Quentin Millington navigates.
Political tensions at work: Ten rules for de-escalating conflict

In the lead up to the UK general election, political debate is everywhere and can ignite tension in the workplace. How can we de-escalate conflict (political or not) in the moment?
The de-escalation game: Empowering employees to resolve conflict

Workplace conflict can and does happen. By empowering their employees to resolve their own conflicts, organisations can promote a culture where issues are dealt with without need for escalation. Here’s how.
Return-to-office tribunals: How to avoid the battleground

As UK firms move away from remote working and back to office-based setups, there may be an uptick in tribunal cases as employees push back. What do employers need to be aware of to ensure they remain compliant? Danielle Ayres, Employment Partner from Primas Law, advises.
Are you instigating fear in the workplace?

Many leaders acknowledge that fear is increasingly being seen in the workplace, due to financial concerns, global instability and issues around exclusion, but other leaders may themselves be the instigators of fear.
Division of labour: Is AI one cut too far?

Division of labour, in the workplace and beyond, has enhanced productivity and accelerated growth. But, nobody wants to feel like a cog in someone else’s machine. Will AI create more silos and further amplify the negative impacts of division of labour?
How to train managers to be better wellbeing leaders

Line managers have a huge impact on the wellbeing of their team. Alongside fit-for-purpose health and wellbeing services and policies, leaders have a role to play in helping employees thrive and be at their most productive. Christine Husbands explores how to achieve this.