This is what effective leadership starts with


Today, more so than ever, we are living in an incredibly competitive, fast-paced and innovative economy. Businesses are evolving, technology is advancing and to separate successful companies from the competition, effective leadership is absolutely vital. Despite this, 84% of businesses anticipate a shortfall in leadership in the next five years and leaders in 40% of companies feel […]

Recalibrating the succession plan to win and retain talent


All senior leaders will inevitably leave their post at some point. In fact, headlines are currently buzzing with news of new CEO appointments and departures across industries. Just in the last month, Expedia looked within to fill its newly vacant top role, naming former CFO Mark Okerstrom as CEO, while its former CEO Dara Khosrowshahi […]

It’s time for fewer management buzzwords and more buzz-worthy management


New technology is intended to improve the way we live. One of the most obvious applications is in the medical field, where novel approaches to data analytics are helping researchers to gain a more granular understanding of the human body and address the root causes of serious disease. In the field of robotics, voice-activated exoskeletons […]

Becoming a balanced leader – getting more yin for your yang


Debates about leadership often end up by contrasting different leadership styles, and inviting prospective leaders to detect which one suits them best and then build on it. Be true to yourself, the argument runs. There are numerous lists of styles to choose from: a recent piece in Forbes argued for four of them; Daniel Goleman […]

Leadership development challenge: implementing AI in the workplace


As Artificial Intelligence (AI) enters the workplace, business leaders need new skills to rise to the challenges and opportunities presented by this disruptive new technology. Task automation is a key area for AI applications. Roles traditionally thought of as requiring a high level human intellect are now being automated. The legal profession is seeing such […]

Equal Pay Day 2017: How to close the gender pay gap in your company


The 10th November marks this year’s Equal Pay Day, when women in the UK effectively start working for free until 2018 because of the gender pay gap. Despite equal pay regulations being established last century, the gender pay gap still stands at 26.8% today, according to CMI. The pay gap is a historic issue that stems […]

Why HR can’t rely on best practice anymore – part 2


In part one of this two-part thought piece, I questioned the applicability of HR’s use of best practice as a viable way to serve the needs of organisations. I am seeing time and time again that a number of disruptive market trends are driving the chasm between organisational strategy and HR’s mainstream approach further and further […]

Why the built environment sector needs to attract diverse talent


With an ageing workforce and ever-growing competition for skilled labour within the construction industry, the need to attract more talent from diverse backgrounds is greater than ever. As Equalities Manager at the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), I passionately believe that the built environment, as well as all business sectors, must put inclusivity at […]

Digital transformation is workforce transformation: Why HR must assume a leadership role


Digital transformation is top of mind in boardroom discussions today for ample reasons: higher quality products and services, employee productivity enhancements, operational efficiencies and cost savings. In these strategic talks, little mention is given to the need for workplace transformation. But one without the other is a recipe for failure. The risks of employee disengagement, […]

How EI makes your board more effective and benefits the whole organisation


Following the Lord Davies review in 2011 to increase gender diversity in UK  boardrooms, 26% of FTSE 100 companies have successfully reached the required quota. But a new target has now been set of 33% by 2020.  More women in the boardroom is just one aspect of increasing diversity and I would argue that rather […]

When culture kills the killer app


This article was co-authored by Helen Rosethorn, Partner, Practice Leader – Culture, Capability & Engagement, London, and Josh Feldmeth, Senior Partner, New York, at brand marketing consultancy Prophet. Every industry has been disrupted by a technology-enabled alternative promising faster delivery, lower costs, and delightfully better user experiences. In many sectors, these former disruptors now occupy […]

Book review: The Collaborative Leader by Ian McDermott & L. Michael Hall


HRZone has a range of books available for review. If you would like to receive one of our business books, free of charge, please contact the editor on editor at hrzone dot com and we can send you a list of what’s available. In return, we ask for a 400-700 word review of the book, […]

Book review: Leading With Vision by Bonnie Hagemann & John Maketa


HRZone has a range of books available for review. If you would like to receive one of our business books, free of charge, please contact the editor on editor at hrzone dot com and we can send you a list of what’s available. In return, we ask for a 400-700 word review of the book, […]

“In my view, organisations change through tiny adjustments in local climates.”


Mark Cole is Leadership Development Programme Manager, London Leadership Academy, NHS. He is also Head of Learning and Development at Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust. Mark will be speaking at the CIPD Annual Conference 2017 on Wednesday November 8th on equipping line managers with coaching and mediation skills. Jamie Lawrence, Managing Editor, HRZone: Can you […]

Are we setting our leaders up to fail?


Among the challenges HR have to contend with are the ones that arise from old-fashioned, top-down leadership cultures. These generally expect one person, the one at the head of the organisation, to do the lot, and to know everything there is to know. Leaders are held up as the source of all knowledge, assumed to be […]

How to harness the power of critical thinking


While most business leaders are willing to acknowledge publicly that their staff are their most important asset and resource, as we know in practice it’s often something they pay lip service to, preferring instead the comfort of the boardroom, the bottom line and dealing with shareholders. That’s not to say that progress hasn’t been made […]

Get ready for the ‘Day After Tomorrow’!


Peter Hinssen is Chairman & Co-Founder at Nexxworks, a company that helps businesses to look further ahead to their ‘Day After Tomorrow’. In this interview, he argues that organisations need to overcome their fear of radical ideas and risk in order to successfully transition to future thinking. Peter will be presenting a talk, ‘Get ready for the […]