Blog: Eight tips for handling a ‘difficult conversation’


No-one likes having ‘difficult’ conversations – but as a manager it is inevitable that at some point an issue will arise that has to be addressed.  It may be that an employee’s performance is under par, a project has gone horribly wrong or a crucial meeting has been mishandled.   It’s tempting to sweep poor […]

Blog: Does Boris demonstrate the five fundamentals of leadership? Part 1


Mayor of London Boris Johnson’s popularity has risen to such an extent that commentators are increasingly speculating over the possibility that the eccentric former journalist could be the next Prime Minister. The mayor’s meteoric rise received a welcome boost from a successful London 2012, but has he got what it takes to be an international […]

What to do when there’s board trouble


The effect on an organisation when big mistakes hit the headlines can be very destructive – and you don’t have to look much into the recent past to see some high profile examples. These include G4S and its staffing problems during the Olympics and Bob Diamond’s resignation from Barclays bank following the rigging of the […]

Living Leader Learnings: Do 360 degree feedback systems really work?


The Challenge The HR manager at a software development company asks: “Because feedback is really hard to get, we’re thinking of introducing a 360 degree feedback system into our organisation. In your experience, do people really respond to them honestly and what are the benefits and pitfalls of this kind of system?"   The Solution […]

Blog: The World of HR – Today’s frustrations, tomorrow’s dreams part 1


Imagine this scenario. You’re a few years retired from your role as HRD of the ACME company. You’re enjoying the fruits of your labours, perhaps sipping on an Elderflower cordial whilst sitting in your favourite chair and bouncing your grandchild on your knee.   She looks up at you and says, “When you had a […]

News: Workmates more important than bosses for job satisfaction


While getting on with the boss certainly helps to keep staff happy at work, it is nowhere near as important as having a good relationship with colleagues, according to research. A survey undertaken among 1,000 UK workers by online recruiters revealed that seven out of 10 see their ‘nine-to-five buddies’ as being most crucial […]

Talking Point: Why is HR still looking for training silver bullets?


The happy sheet – or, to give it its proper title, the ‘post-course evaluation form’ – has been part of the trainer’s toolbox for years. The problem is that they tend to offer little or no value in the long-run – not because of the feedback itself, but because of the lack of bearing that […]

Blog: Why HR needs to get out more


This is a particular hobbyhorse of mine. Put simply we don’t spend enough time in the business. HR as a profession has long been criticised for failure to really understand and contribute to business strategy or to align HR to corporate objectives.   This is much more than just being able to understand the financials, […]

How to work effectively with the C-suite


Many HR directors are continuing on their mission to look for ways to demonstrate to other executive leaders that they can make a strategic contribution to the business. But while such efforts are well-intentioned, it appears that they are having a limited impact.   Recent figures show that only four FTSE 50 companies have board […]

Blog: Working Families Conference – How to achieve true flexible working


Matt Dean facilitated a very interesting discussion at the Working Families Conference on 25 September.  We posed the following four questions:  “Can we honestly say that we have created ‘flexible career paths’ (and what is stopping us)?” “Why do jobs have to take 60 hours (particularly in the current economic climate)?”  “How can business alter its […]

Engaging for success: Motivating line managers to motivate others


The most successful organisations recognise the crucial role that HR has to play in developing managers to ensure that they are effective at engaging others.  But in order to be good engagers, managers need to master five fundamental roles and be able to recognise when each one is required and appropriate.   These roles are […]

Blog: HR, it’s time to show bullies the exit


“As I opened the door, I saw her with her back turned and shoulders slumped. When she turned around, I could see that she had been crying. I felt bad but it made me realize that I am not the only one who gets verbally abused. The kicker was that she was a senior level […]

The first HCM reporting benchmark: BITC’s Workwell model


Today’s launch of Business in the Community’s Workwell FTSE 100 benchmark is the culmination of more than five years of research into the issue of human capital management reporting.  The benchmark was created by the charity in partnership with key employers such as BT Group in order to demonstrate the benefits of taking a strategic, […]

Is the HR recruitment market starting to recover?


The overall HR recruitment market has seen a marked improvement recently, with a cautious but steady rise in new vacancies. Here we look at individual sectors in more depth: Financial services   There have been a few significant HR moves at the senior executive level recently and we expect that to impact hiring as new […]

News: Lean process focus leads to drop in assessment centre quality


A growing desire to implement cost-effective, streamlined processes is leading to falling quality at many assessment and development centres, according to research. A survey among 543 HR professionals in 53 countries conducted by talent management consultancy a&dc, revealed that 17% of assessments lasted half a day or less, even though just over half of those […]

HRZone Interview: Jason Holt on apprenticeships


Most UK businesses are missing a fantastic growth opportunity by failing to offer apprenticeships, believes jeweller and entrepreneur Jason Holt, who has just completed a government report on how to make such schemes more manageable for small-to-medium enterprises. Holt took over the family jewellery business in 1999 and subsequently set up Holt’s Academy of Jewellery […]

Blog: Just what is an executive coach exactly?


What do Andy Murray, Mo Farrah, Jessica Ennis and Robbie Grabarz have in common?      They have a coach who has made a difference. Whether it be Ivan Lendl, Fuzz Ahmed, Toni Minichiello or Alberto Salazar, all have been accredited with making the difference between success and failure by their charges.     In […]