Book review: ‘The Why of Work’ by Dave and Wendy Ulrich


Following our interview last week with Dave and Wendy Ulrich, management consultant John Pope gives his review of ‘The Why of Work’. Title: The Why of Work Authors: Dave Ulrich and Wendy Ulrich Published by: McGraw-Hill ISBN 978-0-07-173935-1 281 Pages USD $27.95 This is an important book – organisations and senior managers who take up […]

Blame the Jabulani football, not the leader


At the time of writing, I’m not alone in reflecting on England’s exit from the football World Cup – the papers, the internet, the broadcast media seem to be talking about nothing else.   But if you cast your mind back just a few days, one of the biggest talking points in South Africa was […]

Leadership Matters: Affair between director and her direct report


This column answers your questions on leadership, talent management, performance improvement  and the employee behavioural issues that can cause even the best leadership techniques to go awry. This time an affair between a director and a person reporting to them is making life awkward. The dilemma My manager (a director) has been having an affair […]

Metrics are the key to effective business strategy


How are the best HR functions using metrics to inform and execute business strategy? Will HR ever add value to the business strategy through its development and execution of people strategy?  If so, how will it prove it, and what are the benefits of being able to provide such proof? We at Orion Partners decided […]

Leadership training should be a ‘national priority’


A professional management body has called on employers to commit to investing in leadership training as a national priority in order to spearhead a return to sustained economic growth.  The plea from the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) followed the launch of a public consultation on Northern Ireland’s skills strategy by Minister for Employment and Learning, […]

SMEs could add £15bn by applying HR planning


SMEs could add £15bn to the economy by using HR planning to become more effective and profitable, according to a recent survey. A recent study has concluded HR planning is one of six key principles SMEs should adopt to tap into their competitiveness. A six-month study commissioned by Royal Mail compared growth rates among 500 […]

Understanding leadership styles to navigate the leader maze


It hardly needs saying that effective teamwork and motivated team members increase the likelihood of optimising business outcomes. If good business results aren't achieved the buck stops with the team leader for it is the team leader who is responsible for ensuring that the team is motivated to achieve results and effectively deployed to do […]

Take the Alan Sugar leadership test


Alan Sugar has returned to our screens in the Junior Apprentice (Wednesdays, 9pm, BBC1), we present the Alan Sugar test – have you got what it takes to lead in your organisation?       The thirst to find the next crop of leaders and entrepreneurs seems to show no signs of abating judging by […]

The leadership required to forge a coalition government


While political power talks continue and we wait to see if we will be offered a coalition, multi-party deal or minority government, Austin Swain considers the leadership skills needed to forge a strong, workable, multi-party parliament.   The political landscape has shifted beyond recognition in the last 10 days. Clegg, Brown and Cameron have moved […]

Managing HR in SMEs


Last year was one of the toughest for businesses with almost 27,000 British companies going bust as a result of the recession, more than in any other economic downturn  and although Britain may be on its way out of the recession, 2010 is going to be another difficult year to get through. SME organisations in […]

Cutting through a bullying culture


Leaders have a huge part to play not just in political parties but in all organisations, especially when it comes to dealing with issues such as bullying. But what do you do when those in leadership are seen as part of the problem rather than the solution? Dame Barbara Stocking, chief executive of Oxfam, shares […]

The HR business partner health check


The trend in recent years has been a move towards a decentralisation of the HR role out into local business and organisation units, exemplified by the role of HR Business Partners (HRBPs). In theory, the HRBP brings HR expertise closer to what is required and can therefore tailor service and advice to local business requirements. […]

UK political figures lack leadership qualities – study


While Virgin boss Richard Branson has topped a poll for apparently possessing the most impressive leadership qualities, the heads of the UK’s three main political parties all languished at the bottom. Prime Minister Gordon Brown came last with a score of 4.5, followed by Nick Clegg, leader of the Liberal Democrats, at 5.2. David Cameron, […]

Skills gap worst in leadership, management and technical roles


While the UK is suffering from wider skills gaps than ever, it is a particular problem among those in leadership, management and technical roles because investment in training is not being targeted correctly – or simply not being made available at all. A report, which was commissioned by the government and has just been published by […]

Engaging your talent through embodied leadership


Which qualities does a leader require to inspire engagement of their key talent and harness discretionary effort? Make healthy high performance part of your organisation. In today’s fast-paced, impatient and often stressful world, leaders need to find a way of being and leading that liberates people to contribute their unique talents willingly – thereby giving […]

M&S – HR business partners getting the balance right


Jan Hills tells how at Marks & Spencer the HR team is working hard to ensure the company maintains its employer of choice status as the UK comes out of the recession. Marks & Spencer has always been seen as the barometer for the UK economy and the retail sector. We talked to Joan Claridge, […]

Technology – HR’s best friend?


Taleo’s Judy Sweeney explains how technology is helping to boost HR’s status at board level by demonstrating the value investment in people strategies have on the bottom line.  There’s been an evolution in the role of HR leaders and the technology that supports them. For years HR wanted to gain recognition at board level but […]

Layla Bunni’s on the case: Facebook fail by employee


This month Layla is on the case of an employee who has been discussing remuneration packages on Facebook. What should be done and would you deal with it this way? The case It has been reported to the HR manager that an employee working in the payroll department has been discussing matters relating to a […]

HR business partners: Old habits die hard


It’s all too easy to give HR generalists a new job description and title and expect them to start operating as a Business Partner. What is usually underestimated is how difficult it is for them to move away from old habits that act as a barrier to success in their role. The move to the […]

Transforming leadership


Transform HR in your organisation by meeting the leadership challenge of understanding the business and the people you lead, explains Christian Hasenoehrl. No business sector has journeyed like HR to find it’s place and path. No other department has undergone such radical transformation, has questioned itself more deeply or has doubted itself more strongly. Rather […]