Human resources: Whose return on whose investment?

white and brown analog wall clock at 10 00 representing that time is precious and limited

Senior teams expect a return on their investments in ‘people’. But this demand fails to account for the personal capital that employees hand over every single day. To thrive, organisations should ask not what they might take, but how they can give.

New legal rights for carers: What HR professionals need to know

brown duck near ducklings

At a time when more workers than ever before have caring responsibilities let’s break down the Carer’s Leave Regulations 2024 and consider how and why employers should go above and beyond in providing more than the minimum that’s required by law.

How do you know if your hybrid approach is working?

slow motion of of water symbolising a refreshed approach

Many organisations have got stuck in a ‘default’ approach to hybrid that isn’t fully serving the needs of the organisation, teams or individuals. Here’s a quick checklist to help you decide whether it’s worth refreshing your approach.

Winners announced for Culture Pioneer Awards 2023

Culture Pioneer winners 23

The time has finally arrived for us to reveal the winners of our 2023 Culture Pioneer Awards. Find out who went home with the trophies for their exceptional achievements in organisational culture change…

How HR can bridge the workplace empathy gap

photo of Golden Gate Bridge

HR can operate as a bridge between leadership and their people but this depends on the ability to productively harness data. How can HR ensure it has a firm grasp on data to effectively advocate for necessary changes?

Why better questions mean better performance

black sailing boat digital wallpaper

When it comes to performance management, it’s time we swap ticking boxes with talking to a human being. By enabling fruitful conversations, we can secure better outcomes for individuals and our organisation.

How to take responsibility for your failures

Spilled milk, depicting mistakes and failures

Owning up to your faux pas is daunting, but necessary if you want to cultivate a transparent, safe-to-fail company culture. Thom Dennis, CEO of Serenity in Leadership, explores how to acknowledge your blunders with dignity.

Leading ethically but how? A robust guide

tree, lake, stars

Where we could spend hours talking about leading ethically (conceptual), how do we actually do it (experiential) and how do we know we’re leading ethically? Karen Liebenguth shares a robust guide for leaders who want to lead with wisdom and compassion.

Leadership development: Moving from good to great

Lake and Mountain

What can be done to transform your leadership programmes from good to great and shift the performance dial? Organisational development experts Dani Bacon and Garin Rouch provide crucial answers.