Blog: What makes a star performer?


We might like to think that two people doing the same job will produce similar levels of output, but in practice there can be significant differences. Certain people are twice as productive, sometimes even five times as productive, as others.   In these challenging times, being able to identify, recruit and develop these rare performers […]

News: ‘Cameron to decimate Whitehall’ claim


The Prime Minister’s director of strategy has advised him to "road test" swingeing cuts to Whitehall in a belief that the the civil service could function effectively with 90% less staff. According to The Telegraph today, Steve Hilton, who is leaving to take up a US university post this month, has already sent officials to […]

Blog: CEO confessions – What it takes to create a successful company culture


Recognise This! – No company will build the same culture, but every organisation should focus intentional effort on building the right culture for them. I’ve been traveling a good deal again lately, which means I’ve had time to dig into my “organisation culture and leadership” pile of books.   A short flight recently gave me […]

In a Nutshell: Five steps for managing workplace conflict


Workplace conflict can be caused by anything from differences in individuals’ personalities and style to disagreements over the direction of given ideas and activities. It can even be the result of an office romance. But unresolved conflict can lead to a loss of productivity, increased employee stress levels, less effective collaboration and team-problem solving as […]

Three ways for HR leaders to thrive in today’s changing business landscape


In recent years – and even more so in recent months – the business landscape has changed dramatically. It has become more global, more complex, faster-paced and less predictable.   The competing and conflicting challenges that leaders face today have morphed from the ‘tame’, if complicated, issues that could be tackled successfully using tried and […]

Six steps for succession planning success


The identification and development of future management candidates – otherwise known as succession planning or talent management – was recently identified as one of the top three immediate HR issues that needed to be dealt with (Bersin and Associates, 2011). Over 50% of the employers surveyed struggled to fill key positions and believed that their […]

Talent Spot: Community blogger, Tara Daynes


As a freelance HR professional, employment law consultant and corporate trainer, Tara Daynes needs to be confident presenting to large groups as well as on a one-to-one basis. Luckily, she learned the art of presenting early on as she went to stage school. “I was all singing and dancing”, she remembers.   Media success came […]

Blog: Four tips for handling a difficult boss


It’s a fact that the main reason why most people are unhappy with their job is poor management. At one point or another, chances are you will have to deal with a difficult, grumpy or (hopefully) unwittingly disparaging boss. You know the type: they get angry for no apparent reason, they completely ignore your questions […]

Analysis: Oracle’s future product roadmap for Taleo


In part one of this two-part news analysis, Oracle’s senior executives explained the shifting nature of the human capital management applications marketplace and the vendor’s rationale for acquiring Software-as-a-Service-based recruitment and talent management systems supplier, Taleo. In part two, Jason Blessing, the man in charge of Taleo’s product line, explains what the merger is likely […]

News: 75p/hr P&O staff to lose tips unless they hit performance targets


The crew of P&O Cruises’ ships, who are paid a basic wage of only 75 pence an hour, face losing tips from passengers if they fail to hit new performance targets. David Dingle, the chief executive of Carnival UK which owns the P&O brand, told the Guardian that the move was part of a package […]

Blog: Will pensions auto-enrolment hit the spot?


With pension auto enrolment due to come into effect towards the end of this year, businesses need to start planning now if they want to get themselves in order ahead of the big switch. If planned correctly the impact on resources for your business required to put the workplace pension scheme into place can be […]

Analysis: Oracle – Why we bought Taleo


The cloud human capital management application wars are set to be one of the prevailing technology topics of 2012 and beyond. SAP’s acquisition of SuccessFactors, Oracle’s purchase of talent management and recruitment firm Taleo, which completed last month, and Workday’s forthcoming stock market flotation all bear testimony to the importance of the HR marketplace to […]

In a Nutshell: Six steps to becoming a goal-driven organisation


If you really want to ensure that your business performs, ensure that individual and corporate goals are managed effectively. Becoming a goal-driven organisation doesn’t have to be onerous. Start with these six simple steps:   Establish clear goals for everyone: That means from the chief executive to the most junior person in your organisation. These goals […]

Talent Spot: Donna Miller, European HR director at Enterprise Rent-A-Car


Ask Donna Miller, European HR director at car rental firm Enterprise Rent-A-Car, what she does for a living and you may get a rather surprising answer. “I’ve always been a very sales-oriented person and when people ask me what I do, depending on whether it’s in Enterprise or outside, I’ll often say I’m in sales,” […]

In a Nutshell: Seven tips for managing stress-related illness


Cardiff and Vale University Health Board is one of the largest NHS organisations in the UK, providing health services for those living in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. The Board employs around 14,500 staff and manages nine hospitals and 17 health centres among other responsibilities.   Its aim is to take a preventative approach […]

Blog: Would you consider crowdsourcing staff performance feedback?


Recognise This! — You can’t have a meaningful discussion about performance, goals, and successes in an environment of fear, dread and anxiety. How do you feel about performance reviews? Personally, I think the annual performance review (as most commonly implemented) is broken.   It’s too infrequent, too fraught with anxiety and fear (for the manager […]

Talent Spot: Rebekah Wallis, HR director at Ricoh


Back-to-back company and employee integration programmes have kept Rebekah Wallis, HR director at printing and IT services firm Ricoh, pretty busy over the last four years or so. This is because HR has been considered core to the success of such integration work by ensuring that staff are supported and helped to make the necessary […]

Book Review: Beyond performance management by Jeremy Hope and Steve Player


‘Beyond Performance Management’ is a book that has been needed for a number of years.  Jeremy Hope and Steve Player point out that many ‘must-have’ management tools have in the past proved unsatisfactory and that only about 30% of change programmes built using them have succeeded: they also back up their views with independent research. […]

Blog: Crappy performance management rule 3 – Set objectives that staff can never hit


In my previous two blogs I articulated rule 1 of crappy performance management:  Don’t tell anyone about the vision and rule 2: Never attempt to motivate staff as it will merely be seen as patronising.  In this final instalment of the trilogy the hero of crappy performance management wins the day and their "precious" drops away into the […]