Coaching ‘vital’ to laid off managers


Coaching can play a “vital” role in helping older managers cope with finding themselves unexpectedly on the job market again after being laid off, research has found.  The two-year study undertaken jointly by academics at the Universities of Surrey and Bath among senior managers aged 49 to 62, who lost their jobs in acrimonious circumstances, […]

SMEs claim coalition bad for business


Just under half of small-to-medium employers believe that the coalition government’s policies to date have had a negative impact on their business, while just less than a third feel that today’s Budget will make things worse.  A survey undertaken by pollster YouGov among 523 senior SME decision-makers revealed that 48% were unhappy with the impact […]

One in four have no respect for manager


Just over a quarter of UK workers have no respect for their managers, while just under half fail to find them motivational, with staff in the North East of England being most disillusioned.  These are the findings of a survey undertaken among 2,031 adults by pollster ICM on behalf of the People 1st Training Company, […]

Ask the expert: HR reviews – do we need to consult?


This time the experts, Esther Smith and Adam Partington advise on whether a consultation period is required before an HR review. The question: HR reviews – do we need to consult? We are an organisation that has grown quite organically. It started with one staff member in 2002 and we now have eight currently employed […]

Succession planning, skills and performance top priorities for HR


The identification and development of future management candidates, boosting internal skills levels and the creation of a performance-driven culture are the top three challenges facing HR professionals over the year ahead.  According to a study undertaken by HR research and consultancy firm Bersin & Associates, as the economy starts to improve, organisations are turning their […]

Creating a resilient workforce: management hold the key


Robertson Cooper’s research has shown that the amount of support provided by managers is related to how resilient people perceive their organisations to be. Of all working respondents, just over half (55%) felt that their manager provided either ‘a lot of support’ or ‘a fair amount of support’. Of those respondents who felt their organisation […]

HR headmistress: How to manage workplace performance


Kate Russell, the HR headmistress, provides this to brush up the basic skills of experienced pros and give beginners a headstart. Lesson 1: promises v performance – how to manage performance in the organisation.  Mae West said that an ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises. Poor work performance is one of the most […]

Defining resilience: what we can learn from resilient role models?


Resilience is becoming a common word in the HR community and an increasingly important and desirable quality for employees. In this article, we look at what resilience really means for individuals, the key components that make up resilience and explain why it’s important to learn from our resilient role models. Why is resilience important?Resilience is […]

The anti-personnel department


Those with a glancing interest in Afghanistan will know of the anti-personnel device which, in many tragic cases, injures and maims but does not kill outright. The enemy knows well that an injured soldier hampers their enemies more than a dead one and it is more damaging to morale.  Well, I came across the Anti-Personnel […]

A paradigm shift in performance management – part two


As addressed in A paradigm shift in performance management – part one, varying contemporary factors have fundamentally changed the requirements of performance management processes. Many changes within organisations and how they operate now impact performance management and many previous ‘givens’ are now being challenged. Here are the most common: Individuals who have clearly defined goals […]

The decade that revolutionised learning, performance and talent management


Attitudes and practices regarding people management and development have changed dramatically over the past decade. Vincent Belliveau, EMEA General Manager for Cornerstone OnDemand, examines the most significant advances and outlines the key trends for 2011. If you’re interested in online training don’t miss the free webinar, Getting started in online training on 18 January, 3pm. […]

A paradigm shift in performance management – part one


Performance management has never been more required than right now. With priorities changing constantly and resources under continuous scrutiny, our employees have once again become the key to differentiating our business, brand and services. The degree to which we respect the effectiveness of performance management may have evolved from direct experience – and some of […]

Sealing the black hole in HR and careers advice


There is a looming black hole in HR, careers advice and skills development that could blight a generation. HR professionals, in particular, will be facing some of the most challenging conditions seen in the UK since the 1930s.   The UK government wants to help but funds are limited. It wants people to embrace the […]

Employees want supportive, approachable communicators for managers


The top three key traits that staff would like to see in their bosses are approachability, good communication skills and supportive behaviour, according to study.  But it appears that many are being disappointed. An online poll of 1,000 UK workers undertaken by ICM on behalf of bank First Direct revealed that a huge 88% felt […]

Two-thirds poor at leadership development


Although effective management will be crucial to exploiting growth opportunities presented by the changing face of globalisation, just over two thirds of global employers admit to being poor at leadership development.  A survey undertaken among 700 chief HR officers and senior executives in 61 countries around the world by IBM’s Institute for Business Value revealed […]

Cable anger over watering down of bank bonus reform


The simmering tension between the Business Secretary and Chancellor threatened to boil over yesterday, after Vince Cable issued a strongly worded response to George Osborne’s suggestion that proposed UK banking bonus reforms could be toned down.  Osborne, who has been accused of giving into pressure from the City, told the BBC that it “might be […]

Battle of the sexes: Employees prefer female managers


Nearly two out of five employees prefer female to male bosses because they feel they are both more understanding and more assertive.  According to a survey among 1,182 UK workers undertaken by HR consultancy Reabur, only 29% preferred having a male as their manager, while a third thought gender was irrelevant.  Of those polled, just […]

UK managers lack leadership skills


UK managers are among the worst in the world in terms of leadership effectiveness, with the situation being particularly marked in government and financial services, according to a study.  The survey undertaken among 29,000 employees in 21 countries by HR software provider Kenexa’s Research Institute revealed that the UK ranked 17th for managerial effectiveness, scoring […]

Improving performance management in medium-sized businesses


Medium-sized businesses can encounter very specific problems in maximising employee performance. Vincent Belliveau explains why these problems arise and outlines how they can be overcome. While small businesses have fewer employees and shorter chains of command, providing greater transparency to individual performance, large organisations benefit from comprehensive systems and processes to help measure and manage […]

Engaging customer-facing employees to improve performance


Educating and engaging staff within the workplace is key to improving performance. Ian Luxford offers tips to help improve performance, ensure better service for customers: what better way of aligning your strategy with the business plans? If outstanding customer service is a must for successful businesses today, it’s also one of the biggest challenges they […]