Don’t just sit there …..learn something and move


In this series we look at an aspect of science that gets too little (in our view) attention in business and that’s what we eat, how we move our body and use our brain. Take a look at the whole series here! I find myself, probably like many of you, spending too much time in […]

When will we stop trivialising sleep?


In this series we look at an aspect of science that gets too little (in our view) attention in business and that’s what we eat, how we move our body and use our brain. Take a look at the whole series here! I’ve been a poor sleeper for years now: getting to sleep isn’t an […]

Powering performance with… coffee


In this series we look at an aspect of science that gets too little (in our view) attention in business and that’s what we eat, how we move our body and use our brain. Take a look at the whole series here! Most people I know are trying to give up drinking coffee just at […]

Powering performance with… nuts


In this series we look at an aspect of science that gets too little (in our view) attention in business and that’s what we eat, how we move our body and use our brain. Take a look at the whole series here! Walnuts have been revered since ancient times as the symbol of intellectuality since […]

Powering performance with… turmeric


In this series we look at an aspect of science that gets too little (in our view) attention in business and that’s what we eat, how we move our body and use our brain. Take a look at the whole series here! It’s hard not to rush out and buy a huge bag of organic […]

Powering performance with… chocolate


In this series we look at an aspect of science that gets too little (in our view) attention in business and that’s what we eat, how we move our body and use our brain. Take a look at the whole series here! Rejoice, rejoice: chocolate is actually good for you. Here is just some of […]

Powering performance by… ditching blue light


In this series we look at an aspect of science that gets too little (in our view) attention in business and that’s what we eat, how we move our body and use our brain. Take a look at the whole series here! Normally, your brain starts progressively increasing the hormone melatonin around 9 or 10 […]

Exercise: Miracle Gro for the brain – take it up now


In this series we look at an aspect of science that gets too little (in our view) attention in business and that’s what we eat, how we move our body and use our brain. Take a look at the whole series here! The more research is done on exercise the clearer it is that if […]

Mindset matters – what’s it all about and why it matters


It's Neuroscience Learning Month on HRZone. You're reading one of the pieces that's been written to help you develop a sound understanding of why neuroscience principles are important to business, and a basic understanding of how you can apply them effectively. There's loads more content going live over the month to help you on your way, […]

Training doesn’t work. There I’ve said it…


Training doesn’t work. There I’ve said it. I feel a whole lot better now! Of course I need to put some caveats around that. I’m referring to the traditional training course – off the job one or two day events existing in a bubble of presentations and meaningless activity. They don’t work.  I mean, that’s obvious isn’t […]

How to avoid manager dependency


It goes without saying that managers need to be able to support and help those that they lead. Problems arise when leaders find it hard to release control and team members take advantage of the situation to shirk responsibility. Over time, this can lead to ‘manager dependency’. With the benefits of operating a flexible working […]

Book Review: Brain-Savvy Business by Jan Hills


HRZone has a range of books available for review. If you would like to receive one of our business books, free of charge, please contact the editor on editor at hrzone dot com and we can send you a list of what's available. In return, we ask for a 400-700 word review of the book, […]

Are competencies really dead?


Love them or hate them, most organisations have to use competency frameworks – but often they are decried by managers and staff. Is it time to shake them up, give them a different name and get them adding more value? Jo Ayoubi, CEO of Track Surveys, looks at the issue in more detail. Amongst HR […]

Appraisals – are they really an outdated institution?


We recently attended an HR event where the theme of the day was ‘facing the future with courage’. There was a general consensus that the world of work is changing and therefore so should our approach to HR. Everyone seemed on board with the idea that we should be looking forward with an open mind […]

Linking performance management with succession planning – how to make it happen


Succession planning in the workplace is not only about determining who will lead your organisation into the future – it’s also about identifying the key positions that are at risk and developing a pipeline of talent which can be drawn from at any time. According to Bersin by Deloitte’s ‘Predictions for 2016 report’, companies are […]

Build trust by understanding the rules of engagement


Managing expectations successfully is a skill that can usefully be applied in virtually all elements of life, from work, to social to home relationships. At its very essence are two elements: clarity and trust. In this article we’ll explore both what makes it easy and what to avoid if you want to manage expectations successfully.   […]

If performance management is under attack – what’s the impact for performance related pay?


The effectiveness of the traditional format of the annual performance review is being questioned with a number of high-profile companies – such as Deloitte, Microsoft, Gap and Accenture – announcing they have abandoned the annual appraisal format for more innovative models to engage employees and motivate high performers.  Set against a challenging background of the […]

Employee involvement: the missing piece of the productivity puzzle?


The UK has seen an unprecedented stall in productivity growth in recent years. Productivity – a measure of economic output per worker or hour worked – is only just higher than it was in 2007. Had productivity continued growing at pre-crash levels, it would now be 15% higher than it is today. The stall in […]

Why you must pay attention to pay transparency


I wrote a blog earlier last year on pay transparency from an equal pay perspective and why being able to show employees that how you pay not only ensures that you are more likely to pay fairly (and avoid equal pay issues) but also how being open about pay has been shown to increase employee engagement. […]