Workaholism, health and strategies to break away from unhealthy patterns

Workaholism has severe implications for a person’s health and wellbeing and has a high risk of resulting in burnout.
Defusing tensions in the workplace

Worldwide conflict, political rifts, and uncertainties around employment and living expenses are reflected in the workplace. As a result, transforming the work environment from confrontational to cooperative becomes essential.
Finding use in the magic of conflict

While it’s important to avoid negative and harmful conflict, constructive conflict can serve as a catalyst for change. Professional mediator Jane Gunn reveals how to make magic out of workplace conflict.
Five uses of neuroscience to augment business impact

Behavioural specialist and neuroscientist Dr Lynda Shaw shares five top uses of neuroscience to give organisations a competitive advantage.
Five steps to help multi-generations work brilliantly together

There are countless charts that tell us the typical traits of different generations in today’s workplaces but are they true? And if so, how do we work healthily and productively together?
Edelman Trust Barometer 2024: Innovation in peril

What does the state of trust look like in 2024, against a backdrop of technological innovation? Leadership coach Blaire Palmer examines findings from the Edelman Trust Barometer 2024 and offers leaders guidance on building trust in an AI era.
Fearful leaders are causing a £2.2 billion drop in UK productivity

The UK is experiencing a productivity crisis and the problem lies in fearful leaders, argues executive coach Margot Faraci. So what’s the antidote?
Buffering against micro-stressors: Helping our people cope better this World Mental Health Day

How can employers mitigate the impact of micro-stressors this World Mental Health Day?
Help! I’m the boss and I am still terrified of public speaking!

Tips and techniques to move past fear of public speaking and become an effective communicator.
HR can play its role this World Suicide Prevention Day

HR has a responsibility to ensure employees know the signs of someone struggling with their mental health
Emotional intelligence: Do you know the four basic components?

Uncover the four core pillars of emotional intelligence and how to build these skills to succeed.
Anxiety at work: How to build resilience

Keep your enemy close – if you know it, you can conquer it.
Mental health myths: What you know about anxiety is wrong

Why what you know about anxiety is wrong.
Stamping out homophobia and transphobia in the workplace

Transphobia and homophobia can be hard to measure, so how can we forge a way forward?
What is the role of employee wellbeing in learning?

Wellbeing is more than just a ‘nice have’; it is critical to the learning process.
How to conquer limiting beliefs and build a growth mindset

Limiting beliefs are a problem permeating through most businesses today. How can we put a stop to them?
How to cope with the fear of rejection – and win

Why all our decisions, behaviours and actions are fuelled by the fear of rejection.
How to banish a fear culture from your workplace

Is fear dominating your workplace? We explore how to ensure the psychological safety of your employees.
Six ways to create psychological safety at work

Tips to help HR leverage and learn from your workforce’s collective differences.
Is the Ostrich Effect impacting your organisation?

Is your organisation suffering from the Ostrich Effect? If so, how can HR help?