Evidence-based agony aunt: should I leave because my male colleagues are paid more?


Our evidence-based agony aunt, Jan Hills, uses findings from neuroscience and psychology to tell you how to solve your organisational problems in brain-savvy ways, that work with the mind’s natural tendecies and not against it. Got a problem you want her to look at it? Drop us a line at editor@hrzone.com. We’ll get back quickly. Question […]

Evidence-based agony aunt: revered boss making inappropriate comments


Our evidence-based agony aunt, Jan Hills, uses findings from neuroscience and psychology to tell you how to solve your organisational problems in brain-savvy ways, that work with the mind’s natural tendecies and not against it. Got a problem you want her to look at it? Drop us a line at editor@hrzone.com. We’ll get back quickly. Question […]

Trust is what makes digital workplaces – and organisations – a success


There’s so much rich insight coming out of the academic sector that HR professionals need to know. At Academics’ Corner we feature the best HR researchers that tell you what they’ve found and what you need to do differently on the back of the research. Get connected to the academic sector through Academics’ Corner and make sure […]

How an effective EAP can help you anytime, anywhere


One in four adults in the UK are diagnosed with at least one mental health problem each year. This statistic may be surprising, but it has caused organisations to care more about mental health in the workplace. With stress levels rising amongst UK workers, organisations have a responsibility to look after their staff and this is where […]

The impact of the ‘authentic self’ on wellbeing within workplace


Dr Gail Gross, an internationally acclaimed expert in human development and behaviour, recently wrote for Huffington Post that “once you begin to work towards your authentic self, you can begin to live as only you can live, and the person you are meant to be”. Yet the process of uncovering your authentic self is rarely […]

How far up your list of priorities are you putting yourself?


I have recently been conducting research for my next book about stress. It’s certainly a fascinating topic and I have been involved in lots of interviews, with an eclectic mix of people, attempting to establish what tips people into a state of distress. Of course we are all unique, and like snowflakes everyone is different. […]

Is the power pose a fake? Re-analysing Amy Cuddy’s work


Mental health in the workplace – it's time to end the stigma and discuss this massive topic. This post is part of our mental health focus! Take a look at everything we're offering, totally free, here. Back is September 2014 HRZone did an extensive article on Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk "Your body language shapes who […]

“There are four big obstacles leaders encounter when trying to learn mindfulness.”


This is an interview with Martin Boroson, a mindfulness thinker, writer, speaker and coach. He has developed a technique called One-Moment Meditation® to help executives use mindfulness throughout their daily work lives. Martin will be speaking at Mind & Matter 2017, the Mindfulness at Work conference, which is taking place in Central London on April 27th […]

Evidence-based agony aunt: “I get home from work a zombie. What can I do?”


Our evidence-based agony aunt, Jan Hills, uses findings from neuroscience and psychology to tell you how to solve your organisational problems in brain-savvy ways, that work with the mind's natural tendecies and not against it. Got a problem you want her to look at it? Drop us a line at editor@hrzone.com. We'll get back quickly. Question: […]

Our brains developed to be influenced by confident people


Summary: The brain automatically places more value on the opinions of people who appear to be confident, a new study reports. How would you rate yourself on a confidence scale? If it's high and you are also an influential person it seems to two factors are linked. Scientists report that confident people are more influential […]

The role of feedback in performance management – the conditions for success


There are lots of companies making changes to their Performance Management systems and most of the changes revolve around feedback. But have we got it right? Those of you who read our articles and regular newsletter will know we have views on the role of feedback that are, some would say been quite controversial. We […]

Why do good people do bad things?


Over the last few decades, ethical scandals in business have been increasing. This could be due to increased media attention around the issue, or due to an actual increase in the number of occurrences: ultimately, it’s hard to say. After all, there are many factors which can be attributed to the rise in numbers. Digital […]

Video: what is the role of ‘noise’ in communication?


Noise, in communication terms, means any interference that makes it harder for the stakeholder to firstly receive, then interpret the message, and its meaning. Communication noise can have a profound impact on our perception of our communications – we can believe that we are doing far better than we actually are. In this video, John Edmonds […]

The stark nature of wisdom – and what you need to know to have more of it


There's so much rich insight coming out of the academic sector that HR professionals need to know. At Academics' Corner we feature the best HR researchers that tell you what they’ve found and what you need to do differently on the back of the research. Get connected to the academic sector through Academics’ Corner and […]

Politician analysis: David Davis


There’s nothing like an inappropriate comment to get you in the news as Secretary of State for European Union Relations. David Davis found that out this week after saying “get thee behind me Satan” when asked by the Foreign Affairs Select Committee what he made of Guy Verhofstadt’s comments on the four ‘inseparable’ EU freedoms. […]

Breakfast Insight: A Simple Model of Motivation


Breakfast Insight is your short dose of new ideas and food for thought, perfect to watch with your morning coffee. Today we're chatting to Carole Gaskell, founder of Full Potential Group. Contact or ask Carole a question on Twitter at @fullpotentialgr. Carole tells us about: The 'motivation as energy' argument – our 'inner fire' Why helping […]

Powering performance by… ditching blue light


In this series we look at an aspect of science that gets too little (in our view) attention in business and that’s what we eat, how we move our body and use our brain. Take a look at the whole series here! Normally, your brain starts progressively increasing the hormone melatonin around 9 or 10 […]

Exploring the link between performance, productivity and memory


In this series we look at an aspect of science that gets too little (in our view) attention in business and that’s what we eat, how we move our body and use our brain. Take a look at the whole series here! You won’t be functioning at your best if you can’t remember what you […]

Don’t just sit there …..learn something and move


In this series we look at an aspect of science that gets too little (in our view) attention in business and that’s what we eat, how we move our body and use our brain. Take a look at the whole series here! I find myself, probably like many of you, spending too much time in […]