Blind recruitment: A small step forward, but how do we make the leap?


The CBI’s recent call for the removal of names on CVs is one example of ongoing attempts to combat prejudice in the world of recruitment. A number of big name employers, including BBC, NHS and Virgin Money have jumped on the bandwagon too by incorporating so called ‘blind recruitment’ into their hiring process. But, while […]

Hiring for cultural fit: the diversity equation


How does your recruitment programme work? Do you look for personal qualities or abilities, qualifications or past experience? Do you skim application forms, ticking off criteria against a preset list; or do you search for that special something which may enrich the organisation? It’s difficult isn’t it, particularly for those jobs where you’ve had hundreds […]

Six recruitment challenges that retailers must conquer


It's HR in Retail month on HRZone! We're focusing on all things retail – check out our HR in retail hub to read all our great content! Job seekers have always been attracted to the retail industry because it offers opportunities, variety and flexible working. However, recruiting and retaining the right staff is often tougher in retail […]

Five minutes with Alexander Snelling, HR Director, Cath Kidston


It's HR in Retail month on HRZone! We're focusing on all things retail – check out our HR in retail hub to read all our great content! We caught up with Alexander Snelling, HR Director at Cath Kidston, on the challenges and opportunities in the retail sector, and what Cath Kidston are doing to innovate their people […]

Coffee break: Humility, robot ethics and the harm of fancy job titles


Time to take five minutes for yourself and sit yourself down with this week's round up of HR news, opinion and associated tidbits. Let me know what you think in the comments below! Leadership – Is removing ratings the answer to better performance? (Jan Hills, LinkedIn) – The humility-confidence seesaw: The untold secret of great leaders (Buffer […]

What exactly do we mean when we talk about an ‘efficient’ hire?


Steve Smith is Director of Sales for background screening company Sterling Talent Solutions, where he has primary responsibility for engaging businesses throughout the UK and EMEA in discussions around the outsourcing of background checks. Steve will be appearing on an upcoming webinar on 5 Tips To Improve Your Hiring Efficiency on September 22nd. If you're looking to hire better and […]

Where’s your next HRD coming from?


We’ve all heard how ‘HR needs to change’ – both as a discipline in its own right but also in terms of the type of people it attracts. The consensus seems to be that if HRDs are to truly become boardroom equals, they must be fluent in the language of the CEO or FD – […]

Coffee break: Dream offices, Skype and keeping your job in the age of the robots


Get comfy, because it's time for us to proffer this week's selection of HR news, opinion and cultural crudites for your delectation.  Feel free to tell us what you think in the comments below, or send us your own recommended reading for the week. Recruitment – To make a good first impression on candidates, do these […]

Coffee Break: Transparency, bias and the impact of Google on your career


Here is your weekly list of news, opinion and interesting blogs from across the HR world. Let us know what you've enjoyed reading this week, and what you think of the pieces we've picked out for you! Performance – Technology never sleeps (The Future of Work is Human) – Surprising ways music can affect work […]

The potential of computer-aided applicant pre-screening


There's so much rich insight coming out of the academic sector that HR professionals need to know. At Academics' Corner we feature the best HR researchers that tell you what they’ve found and what you need to do differently on the back of the research. Get connected to the academic sector through Academics’ Corner and […]

“Encourage young talent into the business by sharing inspiring success stories”


Making those first few tentative steps into the job market is a daunting prospect. With more focus being put on apprenticeships and full time work as an alternative to university, there is more need to prepare those leaving education for the workplace. There is also a growing responsibility for employers to demonstrate their value to young […]

Five questions and answers to a better graduate programme


Alan Price is Employment Law & HR Director​ at Peninsula, recently awarded the Best Place to Work for Graduates 2016​ award. In this interview Alan talks about honing graduate soft skills, the benefits of graduats in the workplace, and the common ways that businesses mismanage graduates. Jamie Lawrence, Editor, HRZone: Graduates are often intelligent but unprepared for working in a commercial […]

Making sure your recruitment works in an uncertain environment


We are living through Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) times. Uncertainty affects almost every aspect of work, and recruitment is no exception. How can recruiters successfully navigate a VUCA environment? During times of uncertainty, where there is ambiguity and pressure, we know that decision-making becomes more instinctive. This has two implications for recruitment. Firstly, […]

How to achieve diversity through merit-based hiring


Employers worldwide are recognising that to grow their businesses and address the challenges and opportunities they face, they need to be diverse and inclusive. This is not just to fulfil legal compliance or their moral obligation. There are sound commercial reasons why today’s workplaces should reflect the diversity of the population. With a diverse talent […]