New boss hacks back on Everything Everywhere management team

The new boss of mobile phone company Everything Everywhere marked his first day in the job by wiping out half of his management team including two senior HR executives. Olaf Swantee, chief executive of the company, which was created out of the merger of Orange and T-Mobile last year, announced yesterday that he had hacked […]
Birmingham Council to hire out staff using workforce planning tool

Birmingham City Council plans to commercially hire out workers to other local authorities with the help of a newly introduced ‘Talent Net’ workforce planning framework. The framework will also be employed to ensure that the local authority’s skills needs are met in the face of thousands of job cuts by enabling it to identify critical […]
Blog: Fancy contributing to a book on corporate politics, anyone?

We’re working on a new book, which we are planning to launch later this year, on the subject of corporate politics, hidden agendas and manipulation in business. It’s a thorny topic, we know, and we believe that HR professionals are best placed to observe and comment on these activities. In the book, we cover three important […]
Blog: Workplace relationships – just like in personal life, you want a good match

“You were too aggressive and I do not like aggressive.” My wife and I laughed so hard that I almost had to pull over on the side of the road with laughter. On Friday, my wife Janetta and I celebrated 39 years of marriage. The line above was referring to when we first met […]
Managers failing to motivate and communicate

Poor management communication and an inability to motivate staff are key reasons why only a third of UK personnel are currently working to their full potential, a report has claimed. A survey among 2,000 workers undertaken by staff development company European Leaders revealed that a huge two thirds failed to understand their company’s vision, which […]
Risky business: Balancing the risk types in teams and organisations

One man’s risk taker is another one’s high performer, but you need to balance teams to create effective, sustainable success, says Geoff Trickey. The City was divided about Bob Diamond, the new CEO at Barclays, and so were the politicians and the media. For some he is the apotheosis of the dangerously reckless bankers who […]
Team Extreme: Teambuilding can be a rollercoaster

Can rollercoaster endurance really make your staff work better together? The Sift Media crew tested the latest team building craze to hit the market. According to the latest annual CIPD annual recruitment survey, the average cost of recruiting a new member of staff (excluding their salary) is around £4k, although this can go up to […]
The end of team bonding down the boozer?

Although nearly three out of five managers take staff to the pub for team-building purposes, just over half of employees are unenthusiastic about going out with their colleagues and one in five actively dislike it. These are the findings of study entitled ‘Health of the Workplace’ undertaken by insurance firm Aviva. The research also revealed […]
Leadership matters: Disruptive team member

This column answers your questions on leadership, talent management, performance improvement and the employee behavioural issues that can cause even the best leadership techniques to go awry. This time a disruptive team member is causing a management headache for a team leader. The dilemma A team leader in a government organisation has inherited a new […]
Start from scratch: Teambuilding

HR may be handed the task of ‘building teams’ but how best to go about it? John Pope outlines his no-nonsense guide. Within any sector of business, good teams are essential to business function and success. We have teams so that people get better results by working together rather than separately. Members stay together […]
When opposites frustrate – don’t give up!

Diversity can bring huge benefits to an organisation, but are you getting the most from it? Matthew Hill gives advice and guidance on managing diverse teams. When the pressure is on within a team, the cracks will begin to show. This is often evidenced by escalating displays of emotion and tension. Sometimes a negative spiral […]
Top tips: Boosting motivation at work

When times are tough, it can be a bit of an uphill struggle to ensure your teams stay engaged and motivated. Jo Geraghty has some top motivational tips to ensure the workforce remains productive. Motivating teams in your organisation can be a tough and unrewarding task in the current economic environment. Morale is low so thoughts of […]
Now is the time for a new role

David Barnard examines the various ways in which managers must adapt their role to the recession, and explains how to lead teams successfully through the crisis. At ten o’clock last night, the tandoori restaurant on the corner of my road was empty. Unheard of. Each evening, I walk home down a street full of restaurants. The […]
Success in a recession: The kitchen cabinet

Successful people rely on a network of close allies who guide and challenge them. So how do they select those in their cabinet and how can HR professionals encourage the right kinds of teams to form around leaders? Blaire Palmer has the answers. Successful people do not become successful alone. We know this is true, which […]
Managing virtual teams in a recession

Travel bans induced by the credit crunch mean that virtual teams may find it increasingly tough to meet in person. Pradip Gajjar considers two important strategies to help HR to support virtual teams during these turbulent times. A real scenario: A team leader approaches HR for support. She wants to run a team-building programme and wants to […]
Ask the expert: Refusal to prove absence is genuine

What action should be taken if an employee with a poor absence record refuses to attend an Occupational Health Unit? Esther Smith, partner at Thomas Eggar, and Martin Brewer, partner and employment law specialist at Mills and Reeve, share their legal advice. The question:"We have an employee that has well met the trigger […]
Scots in hiring frenzy

Growing optimism about the economy has seen a boom in Scottish recruitment, the Bank of Scotland has revealed. According to the bank’s monthly ‘barometer’ the Scottish job market improved for the twelfth successive month in July. For the first time in a year Scottish recruitment has outpaced that of the UK. This hiring drive has […]
How would people like to work?

A survey from learndirect has attempted to identify the UK's favourite dream team at work. Miss Moneypenny emerge as Britain’s overwhelming favourite “dream PA”, seeing off fierce opposition from Kylie Minogue, Britney Spears and Jennifer Aniston. Significantly, Moneypenny staked her claim as the most desirable dream secretary among women and men. Richard Branson topped the […]