The workplace of the future – time for a more considered view?


A new report from CIPD indicates that nearly a quarter of employees (23%) are worried that at least part of their job could soon be automated [PDF]. The pace of automation and the development of artificial intelligence in the workplace has been the subject of innumerable articles in the media, many of them of a somewhat hysterical nature. […]

If it can be routinized, it will be: the charter for HR


The Plainspeak Analyst is Katherine Jones, Partner and Director of Talent Research at Mercer, the world’s largest human resources consulting firm. Her job is to design and deliver insight research and services to Mercer’s global clients. She was previously VP, Human Capital Management Technology Research at Bersin by Deloitte. She has a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from Cornell University. […]

Transaction cycles: a simpler future for an effective HR function?


In large organisations, HR can be an unknown world for employees. In their view it should be quite simplistic. It pays them, hires new employees for them and helps develop them. These apparently straight forward requests, however, come with complex and lengthy processes spread across multiple, unseen and sometimes seemingly unconnected teams. Isn’t it time we […]

A new wave of AI and what it means for recruitment


As many recruiters will tell you, finding the right person for a job can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack; it’s not uncommon for employers to receive hundreds of applications for an opening, only to find that most of the resumes don’t lead to a potential hire. The statistics are quite dismal: […]

The energised employee we all want to hire


The Plainspeak Analyst is Katherine Jones, Partner and Director of Talent Research at Mercer, the world’s largest human resources consulting firm. Her job is to design and deliver insight research and services to Mercer’s global clients. She was previously VP, Human Capital Management Technology Research at Bersin by Deloitte. She has a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from Cornell […]

Social media screening: what information can you use?


Social media has revolutionised the way we engage with each other and exchange information. The figures speak for themselves. According to We Are Social, there are 38 million active social media users in the UK – that’s over half the total population – while 84% of UK millennials take part in social media activities every […]

Artificial intelligence equals artificial jobs…?


What do you think when someone says ‘artificial intelligence’? Robots? Hal from 2001: A Space Odyssey? Siri? Artificial intelligence (AI) has come a long way from concept to reality in a short space of time and, despite being a buzzword for the last couple of years, is now mainstream enough that all the main tech […]

Cloud technology: just when should you take the plunge?


For most HR teams, the benefits of the latest cloud HR software – whether to replace an ageing legacy system or a confusion of spreadsheets – is well established. What isn’t so clear is just how and when you should take the plunge and what sort of support you should expect during the transition period. […]

“There has never been a better time than today for candidates to find a job in which they can truly be themselves.”


David Bernard is the CEO of AssessFirst, a technology platform that offers predictive recruitment solutions for organisations. The information they gather helps organisations understand candidate potential and how their way of working impacts performance and engagement. Jamie Lawrence, Editor, HRZone: How are companies using recruitment agencies differently? What is their role in the modern recruitment environment […]

In Praise of Know: lessons from #HRTechWorld


I was lucky enough to be with HR Tech World this week in London (@HRTechWorld) and it is surely the flagship event for those interested in the bridge between the technology and HR professions on a global basis – an event to be taken seriously in the industry. One common theme to the work-streams and […]

Are mental health apps actually any good?


It’s estimated that 1 in 6 people will experience a common mental health problem each week, including depression and anxiety. 1 in 5 will have thought about taking their own life at some point, with 1 in 15 having made an attempt. There’s increasing scientific evidence that work itself can be beneficial for someone’s mental […]

Is this the best time to work in HR?


“When I grow up I want to work with people”, said the young and excited graduate… Has there ever been a better time to work in HR & talent? We have the lowest unemployment levels in generations, the rise of the gig economy, and a transient and less loyal workforce. If there was ever a […]

The case for and against: is Skype coaching valuable?


There are plenty of contentious issues in HR and the workplace, and we think it’s important to get a balanced discussion going on some of the bigger questions out there. In this series, we’ll be asking HR experts and practitioners to give us opposing viewpoints on a key issue, and we welcome your input too! If […]

HR analytics – the most important thing? Get started


Organisations that build their HR analytics strategy well start with two questions: what are our business objectives and how can we use analytics to optimise the effect of our people practices on attaining these objectives? A new study shows that most organisations don’t focus enough on HR analytics to make it successful, with over two […]

Internal comms: lessons from the ad industry


Muse is a new online service from Woodreed designed to solve the business challenges HR, engagement and internal communications professionals tell us they face. Accessed online via PC, mobile or tablet, it’s a combination of three services designed to improve the quality and effectiveness of internal communication. Click here to find out more. Would you let your […]

Can you disconnect from the workplace in 2017?


It’s the first part of the new year, a time of fresh promises to improve wellbeing – leave the office on time, spend more quality time with the family and not get so stressed. However, does your boss continue to email you 24/7? Do you find it tricky to ignore work emails out of hours? Do […]

Is it game over for psychometric questionnaires?


It’s widely accepted that the value of the video games market overtook that of Hollywood more than a decade ago and more people now play games than don’t. Games immerse the player in a virtual world where they must make decisions and trade-offs and deal with other people to get the job done – and […]

From busy to better: 9 tips to restore the sense of self


Addicted to technology? Sleeping with your smartphone? Making endless lists and feeling more and more burned out and behind every day? Deleting the “me” time from your calendar and hitting the vending machines when you stay late at work?  The way we talk about stress is stressful. We scold ourselves to “focus.” We constantly remind […]