Past, present and future – what’s the correct tense for HR Tech?


It becomes a cliché to review a technology year as one of 'disruption and growth', and to project the same for the year ahead. Of 2016/2017 it is already said, and probably accurate. HR don’t enjoy a reputation as the first to embrace new technology possibilities – an ironic position given our roles as champions of […]

Business app usage: UK companies trail European counterparts


UK businesses are using more IT tools and apps than a year ago, but usage is lacking compared to counterparts in France and Germany. Just under half of UK workers (46%) saw an increase in tools used, compared to 71% and 60% in France and Germany respectively. This is according to the Wrike Digital Work Report 2016, […]

HR futures: coding for humanity


In today's world we seem obsessed with the need for educators to prepare students for working life, which usually means focussing on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) and a general emphasis on learning to write code i.e. to program computers. We focus on learning just-in-case instead of just-in-time, and we focus on repeatable, ‘hard’ skills. But […]

Book review: Thinking Machines by Luke Dormehl


HRZone has a range of books available for review. If you would like to receive one of our business books, free of charge, please contact the editor on and we can send you a list of what's available. In return, we ask for a 400-700 word review of the book, its content and whether it's […]

AI and jobs – the view from HBO’s Westworld


If you are looking for a thorough analysis of the impact AI might have on jobs, there are probably better places to begin than with HBO’s latest 10-part television series. For the same reasons you wouldn’t turn to Terminator, or Blade Runner, so you probably wouldn’t expect much in the way of accuracy from a […]

HR in retail roundtable – the key trends affecting the retail sector


What are the key trends affecting the retail sector and what can HR and organisations do to prepare for them? We recorded an expert roundtable and you can watch the video below. We hosted a roundtable with CoreHR that explored five trends in detail to really unpick what leading retailers are doing to boost HR performance and […]

Selecting ‘employees of the future’ at O2


To combat the competitive challenge of online shopping, ‘bricks-and-mortar’ retailers are having to adapt, by enhancing their in-store service and providing a personalised and compelling customer experience. Recognising this trend, O2 has created two new ‘stores of the future’ in London and Manchester. Roughly three times the size of a high street O2 phone shop, these […]

Coffee Break: Empathy, employee surveys and HR dark arts


Here is your weekly round up of news, opinion and interesting blogs from across the HR world, which we've been busily curating for you over the past few days. Let us know what you've enjoyed reading this week, and tell us what you think of the articles we've shared. Strategy – Defence of the #HR dark […]

Is Artificial Intelligence in learning an oxymoron?


It really is only a matter of time before virtual assistants are so advanced we may eventually be educated by them. Once enough data on language processing, reasoning, planning and cognitive modelling has been collected and appropriately arranged, tracking learning behaviours, giving personalised feedback, prescribing level-specific tasks and genuinely tailored course material in an instant […]

Analysing the potential of psychometric fingerprints


Forensic scientists have been scouring crime scenes since the late 19th century, for one very good reason: our fingerprints are unique. They mark us out and make us identifiable. Psychologists have now discovered that the way we process information and respond in assessment tests is as individual as the ridges on our fingertips. This makes […]

Enterprise social networks: how can you make sure yours is a success?


This is a guest post from Lucy McKerron – account director and social media lead at Synergy Creative – explaining the benefits of Enterprise Social Networks in the workplace and what you need to embed an ESN into your organisation.  This is the first in a series of articles where we explore how HR can use social media to improve […]

Artificial Intelligence: I think, therefore AI


Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) is scary stuff. To consider that machine learning could out-wit, out-perform and out-last us at work is enough to make us leap to articles like this one. I doubt that HR professionals are any exception. Here I’d like to encourage us all to take literal heart and I’ll apply some whistle-stop philosophy […]

Rabbit whisperers, robots and the realms of possibility


Last week, I was at a dinner party at a local friends’ house in our Suffolk village. I began to tell what I thought was a unique tale surrounding the saga of my children’s pet rabbits, whose domestic unruliness towards each other had escalated so far that I’d be been forced to call in the […]

Artificial intelligence and HR: partnering now for better business tomorrow


Let’s be honest. Human resources departments rarely, if ever, are thought of as cutting edge when it comes to the use of technology. A closer look, however, shows the implementation of new technologies, including solutions powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), in almost every aspect of the talent function. According to a recent Towers Watson HR […]

Coffee Break: Sensitivity, open offices and why degrees don’t matter


Are you up to date with the latest goings-on in HR? Fear not, we've spent the week rounding up our favourite articles and blogs for your enjoyment. Let us know what you think the pieces we've shared, and tell us what you've enjoyed reading too! Strategy – Magic HR & fun at work (Kate Russell, LinkedIn) […]

A reason to be optimistic about future jobs


Luke Dormehl is a tech writer and journalist, he recently had his latest book published, Thinking Machines: The Inside Story of Artificial Intelligence. In light of all the scary stories of how AI will disrupt the world of work and life as we know it, we asked Luke to put a few things into perspective and […]