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Shonette Laffy


Deputy Editor


Twitter chat: How can HR help overcome the biggest challenges in retail?


Retail is one of the most disrupted industries out there – from the move to online shopping to the implications of Brexit and the Living Wage, it's a tough time for leaders and employees alike.

Following on from our insightful roundtable on the key trends affecting the retail sector, we broadened out the conversation with a Twitter chat on Thursday 9th February. We were joined for the chat by Core HR, our editor Jamie Lawrence and various retail & HR experts, and here were the questions we asked:

  1. What areas of people management do retailers most need to focus on?
  2. What HR technology can add the most value to retailers?
  3. What can HR do to manage the cultural implications of Brexit on retail employees?
  4. How can we help retailers adapt to having several generations in their workforce?
  5. What does HR need to focus on in the next 5 years in the retail sector?

Take a look at the feed below for the full chat, and we hope to see you at our next Q&A!

Live Blog How can HR help overcome challenges in retail? #RetailHR

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Shonette Laffy

Deputy Editor

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