Using data at 600mph – a fighter pilot’s story


Technology in the 21st century means that the use of data for decision-making, which in business, used to be the preserve of finance and possibly marketing, is now a critical tool in areas previously seen as more qualitative, such as HR.  This three-part series examines learning for HR professionals from other areas, on the use […]

The email conundrum: what can organisations do?


There's so much rich insight coming out of the academic sector that HR professionals need to know. At Academics' Corner we feature the best HR researchers that tell you what they’ve found and what you need to do differently on the back of the research. Get connected to the academic sector through Academics’ Corner and […]

Enterprise social networks – where are we?


There’s so much rich insight coming out of the academic sector that HR professionals need to know. At Academics’ Corner we feature the best HR researchers that tell you what they’ve found and what you need to do differently on the back of the research. Get connected to the academic sector through Academics’ Corner and make […]

Stop your talent drain using analytics technology


Competition continues to grow for the best talent. When skills are scarce, HR professionals are responsible for finding the best talent but also increasingly important in keeping those high-performing employees that are already in place. Just as it’s more expensive for sales professionals to win new business than keep existing customers happy, HR can help […]

What’s the ‘Cube Age,’ and why must you take heed?


Demographic changes are changing the shape of the workforce structure – requiring businesses to take an innovative approach to talent management Much has been talked about the skills gap facing European businesses; in particular, how this crisis will throw up challenges with managing their workforces. This skills gap is very real, and very troubling – […]

Five ways to take control of employee travel expenses


Taking control of employee travel expenses is about setting clear boundaries whilst also allowing employees to act with autonomy within them. This allows you to maximise flexibility and engagement without compromising on security or cost control. Here are five tips to help you take control of employee travel: Set simple policies that flex People tend […]

Would you instinctively distrust a hiring algorithm?


New research from the American National Bureau of Economic Research suggests workers hired by computer algorithms stay longer in jobs than those hired by people. Across 15 companies and 300,000 low-skill service-sector hires, the NBER research compared the tenure of those hired based on algorithmic recommendations with those hired by humans. The test asked questions […]

Meeting core time and absence goals in financial services


Employers within the financial services industry have unique time and absence needs. While other industries, such as manufacturing, may be saddled with union rules and the need to track multifactor labour distribution transactions, financial services has its own share of challenges. In order to explore these issues further we recently held a roundtable discussion with […]

Interview: Tom Berquist, CEO, Saba


Tom Berquist is the new CEO of HR technology company Saba Software and member of the Saba Board of Directors. He has been involved in enterprise software for many years, including nine in executive leadership roles at Corel (CEO) and Ingres (CFO). Before that, he spent a decade at investment banks Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and Piper […]

Watching me, watching you: making sense of social interaction


There’s so much rich insight coming out of the academic sector that HR professionals need to know. At Academics’ Corner we feature the best HR researchers that tell you what they’ve found and what you need to do differently on the back of the research. Get connected to the academic sector through Academics’ Corner and […]

Immersive assessment: a fad or the future?


HR decision-makers are worried about identifying those with the skills needed in a very competitive environment and testing is widely used. But the assessment scene offers a similar landscape to that of five or ten years ago, focused heavily on somewhat dull and traditional personality and ability tests. Other than the move ‘online’, it has […]

Workplace wellbeing – in the hands of technology


A quarter of professionals are currently feeling unhappy with their work-life balance, according to recent research, indicating that the pressures of working life are becoming too much for millions of employees across the country. With such a high percentage of employees struggling to cope with the ‘always on’ working culture, it isn’t surprising that the […]

Boring and unproductive meetings? There’s an app for that!


There’s so much rich insight coming out of the academic sector that HR professionals need to know. At Academics’ Corner we feature the best HR researchers that tell you what they’ve found and what you need to do differently on the back of the research. Get connected to the academic sector through Academics’ Corner and […]

Buying new HR tech? Take a look under the bonnet


For anyone interested in the world of HR, the now annual release of PARC’s research into HR, technology and analytics has become a much anticipated event. Andrew Lambert’s analysis provides an interesting window on how quickly things are changing in the world of HR. This year’s report, which can be read in full here, did […]

The tech-driven renaissance of employee engagement


We are on the brink of a full-blown, technology-driven renaissance for employee engagement. Major developments in enterprise software, data analytics and workforce composition forecast an impending engagement revival in the sales, marketing and customer service teams. Sounds audacious, right?  It should, given the dismal percentage of the global workforce that’s engaged currently, a mere 13 […]

“We are seeing a shift from talent management to people management.”


Karen Minicozzi is Vice President, HCM Product Strategy at cloud HR technology company Workday. In this Q&A we ask her opinions on what HR directors need to know about the HR technology industry, how companies are approaching talent management, what businesses are using analytics for, and more.  What do you think are the three biggest […]

Knowing your workforce will impact the bottom line


When Harper Lee wrote “I think there’s just one kind of folks. Folks” in To Kill a Mocking Bird in 1960, technology was only just emerging from academic and military applications. Few could have predicted the impact that it would have in today’s business environment and the role that data analytics could play in understanding […]

Gulp. Are we “reward people” about to be replaced?


With Terminator V about to hit the big screen, we are being reminded once again of the persistent vision of a future where we are dominated by machines. Even Stephen Hawking is in on the act, claiming that machines pose a threat to our very existence. And now I’ve just come across – rather late […]

“Imagine the data we will create in the next five or ten years.”


Tom Marsden is CEO of analytics company Saberr. He is an entrepreneur with experience in strategy consulting, talent management and finance. As a company Saberr help people make better decisions about their people through data. 1) Even though HR has been using the term Big Data for ages, HR data is not voluminous, varied or […]

Can gamification enhance your attraction strategy?


The term ‘gamification’ is one which is widely misunderstood. Many associate it with gaming – conjuring up images of teenage boys playing ‘shoot em up’ on the latest console in their bedrooms. In fact recent research from Penna found that 89% of consumers didn’t know what gamification was. The actual definition is this: The concept […]