News: UK HR pros least likely in world to use social media


HR professionals in the UK are the least likely in the world to use social media in order to identify prospective job candidates or communicate with staff.  According to a new study of 1,500 hiring managers and HR professionals from around the globe entitled ‘2012 HR Beat‘, less than half (47%) of UK hiring managers use […]

Talent Spot: Louise Rooney, head of HR at ServiceSource


As HR manager at IT firm ServiceSource, Louise Rooney has a major recruitment job on her hands. When she first joined, the company’s headcount was about 120, but in less than a year, it had grown to 165 and there are plans to create another 100 posts over the next few months. “Sourcing the right […]

News: Learning management systems sector is now a “buyer’s market”


A combination of increasing commoditisation and slowing growth in the adoption of learning management systems is making it a buyer’s market, research has indicated. A report conducted by Bersin & Associates predicted that sector growth was likely to drop to 10.4% globally between 2012 and 2013 compared with 14.7% between 2011 and 2012 – although […]

A buyer’s guide to talent management software


Over the last 18 months, the talent management software sector has changed beyond all recognition, which has led to a lot of general confusion. Underpinning these changes has been the growing importance of talent management as a discipline as well as a shift away from on-premise systems towards cloud or Software-as-a-Service options.   The impact […]

The HRZone Interview: Jon Ingham on where HR is going wrong


In the view of Jon Ingham, HR consultant, author and blogger, the current obsession of HR practitioners to be seen as business people first and HR professionals second could seriously backfire. The danger is that, by becoming too much like everyone else in the business, HR will lose sight of what its key focus should […]

Editor’s Letter: Finding your way through the HCM applications maze


Even though technology is not exactly the favourite subject of many an HR director, it is rising up the agenda of a goodly number, simply due to the fact that their HR systems are reaching end of life and are starting to need replacing. But even when embarking on a bit of desk research, it […]

Unified HCM: Why it matters


Unified HCM. Unified talent. Integrated talent management. So many terms. So many definitions. Does it all really matter? The answer is yes! Many companies have deployed core HR systems with separate “best-of-breed” talent management solutions. All too often this approach doesn’t have the positive impact on business performance that is expected. A commonly cited reason […]

How to create a physically healthy workplace


According to the Health and Safety Executive’s latest figures, we’re gradually getting the message about making the working environment a more healthy one. The organisation indicates that, between April 2010 and March 2011, around 1.2 million people were suffering from an illness caused or made worse by their job, down from 1.3 million the previous […]

News: UK’s most satisfying HR software to be unveiled at Harrods


The great and the good of the UK business software industry will gather at the Software Satisfaction Awards‘ traditional venue of Harrods this week to hear who this year’s winners are. Organised by HRZone‘s publisher Sift Media in association with Intellect, the SSAs comprise the UK’s biggest survey of opinion among business software users – this […]

Blog: Are your staff getting enough shuteye?


For many of us pressing the snooze button on our alarms has become part of our daily routine and taking your laptop home alongside that extra pile of paperwork has become something of the norm. But do we actually realise the negative impact this is having on our productivity in the workplace?   ‘Chronic lack of […]

News: Knowing the difference between HR and HCM apps can save you money


Although it may seem like semantics, understanding the difference between HR and human capital management applications can save HR departments a lot of money, according to Nucleus Research. In a research note entitled ‘Understanding the difference between HR and HCM solutions’, the company defined the former as traditional systems that deal with personnel management, payroll, […]

How to work effectively with the C-suite


Many HR directors are continuing on their mission to look for ways to demonstrate to other executive leaders that they can make a strategic contribution to the business. But while such efforts are well-intentioned, it appears that they are having a limited impact.   Recent figures show that only four FTSE 50 companies have board […]

Analysis: The rise of Salesforce’s social


Work needs to become socially-enabled for employees to escape the restrictions imposed by traditional HR software applications. That was the ley message from Software as a Service provider as it launched, a rebranded version of the Rypple application that it acquired earlier this year. is a social performance management system, which […]

Talking Point: Is trust the future of learning?


So let’s start at the end. The end point is about trust and about creating that trust within your environment.   But, you might ask, why should trust be a future thing when, in the psychological contract between employers and their employees, it has always been a precondition?   The issue is that there is […]

Dealing with a double whammy: RTI and pension auto-enrolment


To describe pension auto-enrolment and Real-Time Information as hot topics in the payroll world would be something of an understatement. Over the next five years, HR and payroll departments will have to deal with two of the biggest changes to hit them in decades.   RTI, which goes live in April 2013, means that information […]

In a Nutshell: Five tips for rolling out a global HR system successfully


In July this year, Aviva completed the UK roll-out of an HR system from Software-as-a-Service vendor, Workday, following successful implementations at the insurance provider’s subsidiaries in Europe, North America and Asia. Based on the experience, here are acting group HR director Carole Jones’ top five tips to help ensure that your global applications deployment works […]

Talking Point: Could HR and internal comms make happy bedfellows?


The business world is in for a turbulent time of it over the next decade, according to Rohit Talwar, futurist, award-winning speaker and chief executive of Fast Future Research. Without doubt, the world as we know it will change as a result of continued economic uncertainty, political instability, the redistribution of wealth from west to […]

Blog: The art of mobile motivation


Gone are the days when managers wanting to motivate their staff simply had to call a team meeting in the office anytime and everyone would be there.  As a result of remote working and flexible hours it is very rare for most of the team to be in one building at the same time, certainly […]