GDPR: who is responsible for protecting business data?


GDPR came into force in May but many businesses remain unclear about what the risks of non-compliance are and who is responsible for protecting their data. In order to ensure full compliance, a change in our data culture is required. It may be tempting to invest in training that promises to tackle GDPR head on, […]

Stuck in first gear: how can HR make more of people data?


People analytics has been the ‘next big thing’ for HR for well over twenty years, but the profession is still struggling to make the most of the people data it collects. Is a crisis of confidence holding the profession back? And what does HR need to do to make people analytics ‘business as usual’ and […]

Will you be joining us at UNLEASH World Conference & Expo 2018?


UNLEASH (formerly HR Tech World) returns to the RAI Amsterdam on 23-24 October 2018. Will we see you there? UNLEASH World Conference & Expo 2018 will bring together over 5,000 leaders, solution providers, next-gen innovators and influencers to explore themes around the future of work, digital transformation and cutting-edge HR practice. Will we see you there? If […]

Writing a business case for HR and payroll software investment


Convincing management to invest in new HR and payroll software doesn’t have to be an onerous process. Get your proposal right, and the need will be clear. Once you’ve decided that it’s time for an HR and payroll system upgrade, your next job is to convince your business directors to invest in what they might […]

Digital transformation: three ways HR can use AI more effectively


AI and analytics tools are only as good as the data they can access, so in order to make the best use of these, HR teams need to ensure that they have the right data integration strategy in place. Data is changing the world, but today’s enterprises remain inundated with an ever-rising tide of data […]

HR Tech Masterclass: get results from your technology projects


Early bird tickets are available now for our CPD-accredited HR Tech Masterclass, taking place in London (September) and Manchester (November). Book your place today. Our one-day CPD-accredited masterclass will guide HR leaders and teams through each step of the full HR tech lifecycle to help them deliver results from their technology projects. Purchase your early bird ticket for £249 + VAT TODAY. […]

Find me a job Alexa! Recruitment with cloud-based voice services


Are cloud-based voice services the future of candidate engagement? Voice-based devices like Amazon Alexa and Google Home are opening up massive new opportunities for recruitment for corporates, agencies and jobs boards, as well as for candidates themselves. By 2020 it is predicted that the connected home market could be worth almost US$150 billion globally, and […]

Scientific People Analytics: are you in the know?


This article is the first in a four-part series explaining how to implement Scientific People Analytics (SPA). SPA is the application of the scientific method to people analytics as opposed to the non-scientific approaches currently used by most companies today. Part 1 of the series provides a rationale for using SPA. Part 2 explains why SPA […]

The era of employee experience: how AI and chatbots innovate HR


Companies have already started improving the customer experience using AI technology and now it’s time to utilise that technology to enable employee self-services as well. The next big tactical battleground, according to Gartner, Forbes and others, is employee engagement and improving employee experience (EX) with HR services. For a company to grow, it must invest […]

The real-time methods and techniques that will help you win top talent


It’s time for recruiters to embrace programmatic advertising, the automation of advertising, to maximise engagement with new talent. Josbite, Indeed, Monster, Total Jobs, Fish4 – the list of job board sites goes on and on. So for anyone seeking out the next step in their career path, there’s certainly no shortage of places to look. […]

STEM’s long-standing image problem: how can we eliminate it?


STEM and digital skills are essential to the UK, both within technology firms and across virtually all other sectors. We need to address the STEM image problem to get more women into the industry. STEM subjects have longed suffered from an image problem. Many people assume that roles in STEM are highly technical or dull, […]

What forces are threatening to disrupt your business?


Although disruption is on everyone’s lips and headlines many of today’s business conferences, the reality is that very few companies are fully leveraging the disruptive forces in a way that will deliver success in a durable manner. Time and again, we see digital transformation programmes failing (84% of all programmes do so, according to PulsePoint research). […]

How real-time technology is supporting the future of employee wellbeing


Never before have UK and international workplaces experienced such a rapid influx of new services for employees. Real-time wellbeing technology represents a booming business. But can virtual GPs and fitness apps actually deliver on promises to help make employees healthier and happier? And are there hard facts to support this? Employer provision of health and […]

AI is increasing the skills gap. But it can help close it too


AI will take away jobs, but it will also bring about new jobs and give us the opportunity to upskill our workforce. Is your business ready to embrace this change? We tend to view artificial intelligence in the workplace in a negative light. Pessimism generally makes more noise than optimism and the hyperbole around AI […]

What distinguishes good gamification from bad?


There’s an ongoing debate in the recruitment industry about the relative merits of gamified assessments versus game-based assessments. Which comes out as the winner? Impartial recruiters may be perplexed and amused to see the providers of these resources locking horns over this. Actually, this pantomime wrangling is merely a sideshow. The real issue that should […]

Developing technology skills in HR: a new framework


What technology skills are needed for HR to succeed in the future? Kate Wadia, Managing Director of Phase3 Consulting, introduces a new competency framework that points HR professionals in the right direction. I was interviewed this week about our current Phase 3 observations of organisational behaviour of building internal teams to support people technologies. A very clued-up […]

GDPR: how HR can embrace it as a catalyst for positive change


With just over a month to go until GDPR comes into place, it is becoming clear that it is prompting more angst than ease – especially amongst HR professionals. Due to the nature of an HR role, specifically the gathering and holding of personal information, GDPR will have a massive impact on the way HR […]

Blockchain and HR: why it can improve reward and recognition


All organizations are tasked with keeping employees motivated by acknowledging their contributions and hard work. While most companies implement reward and recognition systems to accomplish this, many struggle to implement these systems successfully because of high administrative costs and the lack of real world value to employees. Blockchain technology can be employed to make rewards […]