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Telephone test for first stage interviews


I am trying to obtain contact names, numbers etc of people/companies that could supply our company with a telephone test. This would be used for a stage 1 interview test of new/potential employees.

It should include sections such as spelling, mathematical problems, role plays, scenarios and general customer service issues.
T. Davison

2 Responses

  1. Arian Associates Ltd
    Surely the first thing you need to find out is WHAT THESE PEOPLE SOUND LIKE ON THE PHONE the rest can be sorted out in a face to face.
    Simply ask them to explain what experience they have had and what has prompted them to apply for a position with your organisation. The spelling, maths etc can be confirmed later

  2. Possible provider
    I am not sure about telephone tests, but DDI (Development Dimensions International) do have information on criteria based telephone interviews as part of their Targeted Selection approach. Try them on 01753 616000.
    Jenny Kevan

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