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The Couch?! grooves to the ‘iPod shuffle’


Apple iPod

For HR professionals who love their music, the release of the latest version of Apple’s iPod must have come as a great joy. Now you can have your entire record collection with you wherever you go.

One of the great delights of the iPod is the ability to select “shuffle” and it will play tracks from the entire bank of loaded music in a random order.

According to afficionados, there’s no thrill as cool as taking pot luck from a collection of thousands of songs and stumbling across a long-forgotten tune from your personal archive.

The Couch?! asked a recent iPod convert to press random on his iPod to reveal what sounds he grooves to.

When we managed to stop him long enough to catalogue one of his random selections, this is what he came up:

  1. Metal Meltdown – Judas Priest
  2. Steal Away (The Night) – Ozzy Osbourne
  3. When The Levee Breaks – Led Zeppelin
  4. Shakermaker – Oasis
  5. Heaven Can Wait – Karnataka
  6. Cornflake Girl – Tori Amos
  7. Thug – ZZ Top
  8. Say What You Want – Texas
  9. Deuce – Kiss
  10. Daysleeper – REM

Rock on Dude! If you like to listen to music on your MP3 player, tell us what a random selection reveals about your musical tastes using the ‘Post a Comment’ link below. For those about to rock/jazz/lounge or whatever, The Couch?! salutes you.

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3 Responses

  1. A world beyond iPods
    The issue around advertising can be addressed easily – invite people to post their random selections from whatever mp3-style player they happen to use. I do have an iPod but I’m sure competing products can be shuffled too!

    My last ten tracks, while on the train through Wales to Aberystwyth yesterday:

    Play Dead – Bjork and David Arnold
    The Heart Asks for Pleasure First – Micheal Nyman
    Steam – Peter Gabriel
    Yellow – Coldplay
    1952 Vincent Black Lightning – Richard Thompson
    20th Century Boy – T. Rex
    A New England (12″ mix) – Kirsty McColl
    The Cinema Show – Genesis
    Human Touch – Bruce Springsteen
    Jungleland – Bruce Springsteen

    (It seemed to get stuck on Springsteen fora while – ‘shuffle’ is a better description than random. Do non-iPod users find they hear a properly random selection?)

    With love and light,

  2. Mis-read intentions
    Thank you for your comments. The piece is about music selections and is meant to spark comment about HR members favourite top Christmas tunes – it was meant as a bit of fun but we take on board your concerns about overt advertising – it was not in any way intended to be advertorial.

  3. advertising
    Not to be bah humbug about it all but since when were we using HR Zone to advertise products!?

    Not sure it is the way we want the website to go?

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