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Jamie Lawrence


Insights Director


This week in ‘I Hate My Job’ – September 3 2015


Each week in “I Hate My Job,” we bring you insights from the minds of disengaged workers across the Twittersphere. The biggest lessons is that there’s no one reason why people hate their jobs and why they’re disengaged.

Dissatisfaction is driven by personality, life circumstances, day-to-day stresses and much more. This is just a glimpse.

But each week we try to pick out a diverse set that illustrates all the things that turn people off to their workplace and employer. Perhaps they’ll inspire you to take action?

1. Strong social network essential, but not sufficient

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2. When context helps turn away a flock of wrath….

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3 …and how social connection and fun makes everything better!

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4. Emotional leakage from work to home can affect total self-worth and confidence

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5. Can we please move to an output-based workplace? Isn’t it about time we realised people have different home and family needs?

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6. The rollercoaster ride of workplace engagement – no-one can be engaged all the time, people

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7. Reminder: your people are your only connection to your customers. They can make each other happy!

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8. People want the workplace to be FAIR. Remember the importance of the psychological contract.

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9. Law of diminishing returns applies in the workplace – that’s why we must focus on internal motivation not external motivation

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10. Wait… good point. What are you all complaining about?!

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Jamie Lawrence

Insights Director

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