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Cath Everett

Sift Media

Freelance journalist and former editor of HRZone

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Three out of five HR professionals happy in their job


Nearly three out of five HR professionals are happy in their job, with only 5% hating where they work, according to a study.

But although HR personnel are working longer hours than ever, this situation is not their biggest bugbear.
Instead IT issues such as PCs and printers crashing for no apparent reason cause them most annoyance, followed by irritating colleagues and people gossiping when they should be working.
About a fifth of HR practitioners also get most wound up when the air conditioning is too cold, while one in 10 sees red when the office coffee machine in on the blink.
The survey, which was undertaken by Mars Drinks UK, quizzed a total of 2,001 office workers of all types. It found that the average HR person had been in their current position for an average of five years and six months compared with the national average of six year and nine months.
To get down to the nitty-gritty of the average HR day, however, most people start their daily commute at 7.37am, which takes them 30 minutes and 55 seconds. Some 47.7% drive to work, but a fifth walk or catch the bus.
The first conversation of an HR practitioner’s day then takes place with a colleague at 8.17am, only 10 minutes after arriving at work, and their first cup of tea or coffee is consumed 12 minutes later.
Lunch begins at 12.35pm and lasts an average of 28 minutes and 29 seconds, but just over half eat £3.50-worth of food at their desk and only 9% ever go outside to get some air. Most other office workers spend about £3.29 on their meal.
Throughout the day, HR professionals receive in general 35 emails and send 27. They make 20 ‘phone calls, answer 25 and drink three cups of tea or coffee, before beginning the 33 minute and 39 second commute home at 5.05pm and at a cost of £4.08 per day.

One Response

  1. employee happiness

     Good post. It seems that for most people it is the little things that get people through the day that make the longer hours less of an issue. Things like PC and computer issues are especially annoying and can understandably make alot of people very agitated seeing as functional technology is required for any work to get done. Happiness of employees is somethin that needs to be monitored regularly in terms of employee engagement and how much workers are motivated to achieve their goals. 


    Dave Evans, Commercial Director at accessplanit, specialising in Learning Management System and Training Mangement Software.

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Cath Everett

Freelance journalist and former editor of HRZone

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