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Annie Hayes




HR Tip: Publishing discipline and grievance procedures


These questions are being answered by Learn HR, a market leader in the provision of HR and payroll training and nationally-recognised professional qualifications.

Question: How should we publish our discipline and grievance procedures?

HR Tip: The contractual statement that you give to new employees must contain, among other things:

  • Details of the rules, and discipline and dismissal procedures that apply to him or her. The document may instead refer the employee to an easily accessible handbook that contains this information.
  • The name or description of the person to whom the employee may appeal against disciplinary action, and how that appeal should be lodged.
  • The grievance procedure that is available to the employee.
  • The name or description of the person with whom the employee may raise a grievance and the manner in which it should be raised.

Quite apart from this it is good practice to display the discipline, dismissal and grievance procedures on notice boards so that they are easily accessible.

And the lessons:

  • Make sure that all of this is done.
  • Make sure that all managers fully understand these procedures and are trained to use them.
  • Remember that a single error can cost the employer a lot of money!

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Annie Hayes


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