
Unequal pay spreads discontent


Women regard lack of parity in pay scales as a major form of sexual discrimination. In a recent survey by Alexander Lloyd of women in accountancy, insurance and general business occupations, almost half the women interviewed working in the general business sector cited lower pay or pay scales for women as a major issue for working women. More than one in five women said that within their company equal pay does not apply to both sexes.

The survey shows that women definitely lose out in the job promotion race to their male counterparts. Six in ten women overall felt they lose out to men when it comes to promotion (four in ten in accountancy, seven in ten in the general business sector, and six in ten in insurance).

Men still dominate top management positions with the chief executive or top financial officer being male in 72% of the companies in which the women surveyed work. The situation was nearer an even balance for women in accountancy where 46% of the top positions were held by women.

Comments Karen Cole, Director of Alexander Lloyd:
"Inequality of pay is still a major problem identified by women to a similar degree in our research whether they work in general business, accountancy or insurance. The research showed it is the next most important issue behind flexible working hours and male attitudes towards women at work. Perhaps research views might be an indicator that inequality may occur over a period of long service to an employer, where pay differences can often be hidden.

"Despite legislation on equal pay for workers doing the same job it still appears to be difficult for women to achieve parity in many sectors. It is also linked in some instances to overall male attitudes towards women who feel they are often classed as little more than receptionists. That and the demands of home and family on women workers seems to make them less than equal in the office environment."

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3 Responses

  1. Unequal pay
    Because there is a redress in law you do need to look at using it! Talking through an issue with the uninterested will not get this problem moving forward. You need evidence of gender specific cases and this needs to be collated then presented to your employer as a complaint. It needs to be more formalised to be effective.
    I did provide links to useful web sites in another posting, if you email me direct I shall email them onto you.

    Lime One Ltd
    0870 240 4325

  2. HR is part of the problem
    When I asked my boss why I was at the lowest job ranking in my department although I am more qualified, more experienced and more productive than all my male colleagues, he sent the HR manager to talk to me. She explained (with apparent concern that I was such a ninny), “You do understand that women make less than men?”

    Not much left to say after that, is there?

  3. Unequal pay
    I know for a fact I am paid significantly less than a colleague of the same sex doing basically the same job who has been in our organisation for less time than me. IF the colleague was male I’d have a case for sexual discrimination but this is not the case. What are can I do (other than leave)? Our CEO acknowledged this is unfair but won’t do anything about it.