This month’s competition was inspired by a recent poll by recruitment consultants Office Angels, which compared UK workers to the nation’s favourite celebrity chefs.
There were some amusing entries this month – but there could only be one winner, so we have decided to give the prize to Bryony Bennett, an HR assistant from Kent. Her entry was:
Gordon was shocked at the woman’s offer to ‘flour his meatballs’.
Bryony will win either a bottle of Italian red wine (Villa Antinori Toscana 2003); a bottle of organic white wine (Nelson Sauvignon New Zealand 2006); or a mixed box of non-alcoholic drinks to the same value.
Check back next month for the next competition!
Photo credit: Barbara Lindberg/Rex Features
10 Responses
Who’s battered Olive?
Sorry, Gordon, but you’re not allowed to swear before the Waterstone
Oh God, they’ve given me decaffeinated
Gordon is finally lost for words when he discovers that the salad was prepared by Antony Worrall Thompson.
(AWT recently recommended the deadly herb henbane as a “tasty addition” to salads)
Caption Competition
Oops – I believe I may have made a spelling mistake – your name was Duck or Duke ?
“No, I said CROQUE Monsieur”
And mind that hot coffee – I want that book signed, not singed
Sorry I swore, but this is “The Naked Chef” you’re asking me to sign
I think that Big Mac’s beginning to repeat on me
Oops! I forgot to swear.