There has been lots of research carried out into how to create and maintain successful working relationships when collaborating across distance.
The research shows that managing virtual relationships successfully will give you:
+50% better project success (time and budget)
+93% rise in innovation
+62% rise in role and goal clarity
It also means stronger emotional ties, more commitment and increased motivation.
So getting it right is a complete ‘no brainer’.
There are many factors which contribute to a virtual relationship being a success:
– using virtual tools effectively (Lync , Webex, GoTo, Yammer, Email, IM etc)
– being able to host great virtual meetings
– choosing the best medium for the message
– communicating regularly and at the right times
However the research shows that by far the biggest factor for creating a relationship that works well across distance is creating and maintaining trust.
We will trust people who turn up on time – every time – and who do what they say they will do. Also important to building trust is turning work around on time and communicating effectively in a predictable and reliable manner.
In order to engender trust is it essential to develop an understanding of each other’s values and morals – not only focusing on work but also learning and sharing about our home lives.
‘How to successfully manage virtual relationships’ is a new course from Emailogic covers all the key areas for the development of successful, trusting virtual relationships
Here’s what one delegate said after attending:
“I intend to create and agree clear, easy to understand shared goals with my team, have far more regular communication at agreed times. I will also share more about myself and learn more about my colleagues lives and thoughts – I can see my virtual life transforming!”