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“Absence has grown from an HR issue to a business problem”


The UK average absence level has just risen, for the first time in six years, to 7 days per worker, according to new research.

While 89% of absences are short term, long-term episodes account for 56% of days lost and up to 70% of costs, claims the report, Attendance Management, by The Work Foundation.

Although two in five people do not take any absence each year, some jobs and sectors are significantly more prone. Managers are less than half as likely as manual workers and those in the public/voluntary sector are five times more likely than IT to be off sick.

The report warns that employers should do more to minimise levels by recording absence so that levels and patterns can be investigated – 57% of employers do not cost absence, which suggests a lack of data or insight.

It also found that:

  • 3000 people move from long-term sickness to ongoing incapacity benefit every week.
  • Of the 2.7 million people now receiving incapacity benefit, only 1% rejoin the workforce each week.

“Absence has grown from an HR issue to a business problem. While headline figures have not changed, the renewed focus on the bottom line has highlighted the real cost of absence to UK organisations,” said Stephen Bevan, the report’s author.

“The good news is that sensible management techniques can make an immediate and positive impact,” he added.

Some companies have already introduced innovative ways to address the problem.

VJS Foods in King’s Lynn, Norfolk, launched a lottery in 2001 to stop workers being tempted to throw ‘sickies’. Staff who achieved a spotless attendance record were entered for a monthly draw with two £1000 prizes. Those who turned up every day for six months shared a £50,000 bonus.

Tell us how your company is addressing absence and read our related member comments on absence below.

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