I was wondering if i could get some help with this.
We have an employee that was issued with a wrritten warning on the 21st of July 2008 for taking unauthorised absence from work for a
week. A year on from then they have done exactly the same thing we had an episode in June and for a week and then in July for 9days.
This was investigated and we proceeded to conduct a disciplinary meeting. The employee was notified of the meeting on the 17th of July and the meeting was held on the 22nd of July. A decision was made on the 29th of July for the employee to be given a final wrritten warning and the manager took into conisderation the previous warning on file. Now my question is this, in this situation even though the employee reoffended and was invited to a disciplinary meeting before the warning expired, can we take the previous warning into consideration and issue this employee with a final written warning.

Your advice will be greatly appreciated.