I work for a city based company with c 90 employees. In order to try to compete in the market place, and being unable to add cash onto a base salary, or amend the pension or health care scheme, my view is that we should add more holiday to the package. Currently staff receive between 22-25 days. In some companies I’m aware of, the office closes during the 3-4 working day period between xmas and new year, as it’s likely that many staff will leave London during this period. I’ve heard anecdotally that in most organisations in the city open during this period, people come in late, leave early have long lunches. I’m not sure what benefit it is to the company to have staff work during this period. I want to propose that as a business we would not lose much on the productivity side, while gaining a lot in terms of staff satisfaction and boosting our package if we closed for 3-4 days at xmas. Does anyone have any views on this, or either research/facts for either side of the argument? Thanks in advance.
Sarah Paton