Dear Sir,

My name is Majid, Abdul and I am a University Teacher and Management Consultant in Karachi, Pakistan. Human Resource Management is one of my major subject and consultancy Area.
Last year I was in United Kingdom . I worked as Management Consultant with Slough Volunteer Bureau. Slough Berkshire.
Now I am again coming U.K, to make my visit more useful I wish,
1—To Assist any HR Teacher or HR consultant in his /her management teaching.
2__ To participate in Human Resource Management Research with any HR Org, University, College, Institute OR Consultant.
The purpose of this e-mail is,… you are in responsible position in Human Resource Management and might be able to help me to find out my these objectives,
I will appreciate you if you would give me such opportunity
OR at least guide me how I can get my such objectives.
Thanking you and waiting your response so that I can forward my CV.
With Best Regards,

