We are about to place an advertisement with a recruitment agency with the hope of recruiting staff from Poland.

We plan to set up rented houses and provide shared cars for the Polish employees who will be here for a minimum of one year we hope.

Our intention would be to deduct the costs of the house & car from their wages each month.

We are drawingg together a document that outlines what the contractual agreement will be between us and the staff to cover these arrangements.

Does anyone have experience of putting together a similar document, do you have any pointers for me about things we should include in the agreement that perhaps we haven’t thought of? For example – we need to make sure that the vehicles are insured but if we pay the insurance with the workers as named drivers (one option for ease) we need to clarify who pays the excess if they crash the car.

Alternatively does anyone know where I might find an example document that covers these terms?

Sam Swinstead