We have a person who works for us and has done so for many years with no sickness, lateness, I would call him a model and exceptional employee.  This person covers 3 sites in the west country and travels between these locations and we pay travel milage allowance to him in line with the inland revenue.

He is based at location A and our resourcing manager would now like him to retire in September when this extended contract runs out.  We have extended every 6 months since he turned 65 and he has always written to us 3 months in to request a further 6 month extension and we have always done this.

The resource manager wants me to retire him in September and move the base location to location B rather than A and and location B will continue to cover locations A and C as well as B. The reason for this is that B is a better location as far as keeping our mileage costs are concerned.

I know that we do not give a reason to retire him but to retire him and employ someone new to location B would constitute an unfair termination on our part as the retiree could claim redundancy from us via an employment tribunral.

Would I be correct in this and has anyone ben in this situation?  Thanks

Either reply on here to me or email me at gareth2701@sky.com