We are considering short-time working for 3 months. I know that during the period of short-time working holiday and company sick pay continue to accrue on a full-time basis but am not sure how to apply it correctly and may be overcomplicating the matter!

For some departments, the short-time will be reduced hours over the same number of days (e.g. 6 hours/day over 5 days rather than the usual 7.5 hours/day over 5 days).
a) For these people, if they take holiday on one of these reduced days, do they get paid at their full daily rate?
b) For these people, if they are sick, do they get paid at the short-time daily rate or their full time daily rate (we give them 7 fully paid sick days per year).

For some other departments it will be 7.5 hours/day over 4 days rather than the normal 5 days.
a)I assume these staff can use holiday for the “workless day” and get paid at their normal daily rate.
b) If one of these staff is sick for a full week, do they get company sick pay for the 5th “workless day”?

Many thanks
Kind regards

Harriet Workman