Mini skirts, tattoos and veils at interviews?

Dressed for the job? What have candidates worn at your job interviews?

The recent and very different European Court decisions in Eweida v British Arways/British Govt and Chaplain v Devon/Exeter NHS Trust(religious symbols) have helped to clarify workplace issues around an employer’s corporate image rights plus health/safety considerations.

So what happens if someone turns up to your next job interview wearing a micro mini, sporting a tattoo or wearing a veil? Do you tread on eggshells or do the words "reasonable, practical and proportionate" actually help an interview panel make an objective decision. There is caselaw around all these matters. If you want a copy of my free word document -nothing fancy, just a plain word doc with a briefing & sample dress code policy drop me a line at

And tell us all here about candidates "dress sense" that you remember?