I raised a grievance against my manager for unfair treatment/ bullying on 11/09/2007, then on the 14/09/2007 i was booked off with work related stress by my doctor. While i was on sick leave my grievance was investigated and i recieved a letter stating that i have mental health problems and i am not a popular person on site in fact i am a trouble maker followed by suspension and the i client i have worked for 6 years no longer wants me on thier premisis.
i have since seen the company doctor and he wrote to HR
[Review by our regional physician confirms that charles has had a number of years of percieved work related issues which he feels has caused him stress and strain. clearly i cannot comment on the veracity of thses perceptions but they do act in my veiw as a substantial barrier to a successful rehabilitation. it is clear as a consequence that he has developed a common mental health disorder which hi GP felt it worth managing with anti-depressents…………i would therefore recommend some form of mediation take place between the organisation and the employee (Charles)as unless these matters are dealt with at an operational and organisational level it is unlikely that he will wish to present himself for work or render reliable services and attendace]
I have emails dating back over a year stating that i feel bullied and am very stressed by my treatment. my manager replied that it is not his problem. i am now at my final (3rd step)due on the 09/01/2008.
last week i recieved a phone call from an engineer on site and he told me that directors paid my manager a visit and him and assistant manager have since resigned.
my questions are:
1) has the grievance procedure from 11/09/2007 – 09/01/2008 been too long are they trying to drag the process out as i have never recieved a reply from them until i wrote asking for one
2)i am not too sure on the wording of the company doctors letter.
3)can i still claim compensation or resign under constructive dissmisal even though my manager was dismissed.
Any advice would be welcome.
charles eastland