Notice Garden Leave Grievance raised but ignored

Hi there, As I sit here on Garden Leave, I am somewhat amused by my predicament and hope you lovely people can offer some sage counsel. I gave notice at my current company I requested to terminate my employment at the end of March, ( this is roughly in line with the employment contract which […]
Duration of Grievance process

I raised an equality complaint against my employer 4 months ago and have yet to receive a response. My employer does not provide updates on progress in except when I chase, and those updates are vague and state that they hope to complete their investigations soon but cannot commit to a date. They also say […]
Training fee repayment. No clear agreement

Need some advice. I was working for the NHS and did a training course totalling £2500. I had signed a training agreement which did not outline any procedures for repayment nor did my employment contract. A seperate finance form was signed and had a small print saying I agreed to terms and conditions however these terms and […]
no sick note received

Employee off sick with sick notes , came into work saying was returning , he never showed up then sent a sick note in two weeks later back dated . That note expired 31st dec , no sick note since and no phone call to say not coming into work , where does the company […]
Return to work notes

This employee first was going to need full duty but because she was offered part time she asked the doctor to put her on full duty. She has a daughter in college and she’s a single mom
Suspended. How to delay disciplinary interview?

My friend was suspended for an inappropriate and unprofessional behaviour, because he got drunk on Christmas corporative dinner and said unpleasant words to his manager. Now he is invited for disciplinary interview, and nearly sure he will be dismissed. Because for him it is a question of UK working visa, he wants to delay this interview as […]
Seconded employee at risk or redundacy

If an employee is informally seconded into a role and their substantive role is put at risk but the business then decide to make their secondment formal for a period of 12- 18months, will that employee remain at risk for the seconded period even though the consulation period has ended?
payment after resigning

i have resigne late this november,due to pending investigation so m i going to get paid my November salary and anual leave days and everything? the pay period for festive season runs from 27th-15th
DPA Query

An employee contract was revised. On completion the new contract traditionally is communicated to employee for signing, their manager is also informed within the same email. As details such as pay and addresses are contained in contract, is this a breach of dpa to the employee or is this justified as business process?
Probationary Review Query

Hi All, Iam seeking advise and guidence please. I am not a HR expert but work within an in house recruitment department. I had my 6 month probation review recently and was asked to leave with immediate effect. The reason given was that it was felt that the relationship i had with my stakeholders was […]
Two employees, one role and redundancy

Hi, Company A have bought Company B, both companies have a manager in the same role performing the same duties. The manager who was part of the acquired company has been offered an enhanced redundancy package. However, if he/she would like to apply for the single role how would this affect his/her redundancy package? […]
Redundancy, bonus and two employees, one role

Hi, if an employee has an annual bonus in their contract are they entitled for this to be part of their redundancy calculation? Also: Company A have bought Company B, both companies have a manager in the same role performing the same duties. The manager who was part of the acquired company has been […]
Sick Leave and rollin year entitilment

Hi Our sick leave is based on a 12 month rolling year . I am in the situation where someone who has been here for less than 12 months has used all the 4 weeks half pay on sick . She has now gone up in sick leave entitilment as just gone over to the next […]
Restructure, Acting Up and ringfencing

The organisation is about to start a formal consultation to appoint at Head of Service level before commencing further consultation to restructure the remainder. An employee has been ‘acting up’ into a HoS role for over 18 months – similar to the proposed new Head of Service role – but has been told because the […]
notice period, Offer letter conflict with Contract

Hi there, I’m about to hand in my notice from my current job. My problem is that the notice period stated in my contract is 3 months. However, the original offer letter states only 1-month. When I was signing up with this company, the offer letter was sent to me in a single email with […]
Employment Contracts

Any suggestions on the best choice of employment contracts for staff or contractors that will be providing us with a service, no product to sell. They will need to use their own vehicles/cellphones/computers to see clients or enlist them to our service subscription. I have contemplated between an Independent and Flexi duration contract.
London weighting

As the title says, my collegue has just been told he is losing his london weighting but with no explanation as to why? His circumstances havent changed and this has not been told to anyone else.. my question is is this legal?
Resigning Whilst on Sick Leave

We have an employee who has been signed off of work, due to personal reasons they wish to resign. They originally asked if they resign with their two weeks notice, can they be paid the full amount of their SSP which the date on the certificate is valid after they officially leave. We have advised […]

Last week I had to leave early for a family emergency I still got 51 hours in. Now my boss says I have to use vacation for time missed can he do this?
Fixed Term contracts & Maternity pay

We have an employee that is on a fixed term contract. So far this has been extened twice. Once from Oct 2015 for 12 months then again from Oct 16 for 18 Months. She is now pregnant and will go on maternity leave from October 2017. Please can you offer some advise on what happens to […]