Employment contract

Hi, so I applied for a retail job which advertised part time , permanent, and I got the job. I signed a contract and started working. Recently (after working for 13 weeks) the boss gave me a letter of termination as apparently I'm a temp worker, despite the contract saying nothing to do with a temporary […]
Remote work from abroad

Can a UK resident employed by a UK company work a few days every month from abroad without repercussions on taxes or NIC? The country of residence would remain the UK.
Employed by French Company with UK Contract

I have been asked to find out if our French buisness can employ someone who works and resides in the UK, issue him with a UK contract but he will be a French employee being paid by the French business….. Any help or ideas where to go to get this info would be great!
I want to quit but I am under suspension

Just recently I was put in a suspension from a company I have been working for almost 2 years now. Before this incident, I have been thinking about quitting, but now that this has happened, I really want to quit as soon as possible but without hurting too much of my references or reputation. Please […]
Sickness period

Whilst off work sick , what are the parameters relating to what you can and cannot do – an employee,( british) is off work , possibly long term , has a rental place in the UK , works here fulltime for many years , over 35 years, has a house abroad and needs for many […]
Pregnancy and rolling temp contract

I've been told there is no budget to extend my contract. This wasn't an issue for the last 3 extensions. Precedent has been set with 4 other expectant mothers prior to me, where an honorary contract is put in place for those 6 weeks allowing the person to claim full mat leave. This is confirmed by […]
Holiday Accrual – Part Month

Hi all, I joined my current employer on March 18th 2019. Our holiday year is April 1st to March 31st. Things haven't worked out and I am leaving tomorrow (21st May 2019) to start my new job on Wednesday.I took a four day holiday in April which I had planned before I joined. HR are […]
Drafting Employment Contract

In drafting an employment contract (something we are doing for the first time), would writing a clause in the employment contract such as ' You must follow company policy, procedure and protocol' then make all of the policies the company has contractual? Or, can reference to company policy, except for policies such as Disciplinary and Greivance, be left out […]
Ask an Expert:Holiday or Off Sick,Outside EEA

I really hope you will be able to help me out with this.I will be going abroad to obtain diagnosis and possibly treatment (outside EEA – destination India – I am British Citizen) I do understand that neither the S2 route nor the EU Directive route applies to treatment outside the EEA, but what I […]
Time to log a complaint about someone at work

So what is reasonable time , surely if a complaint is to be made, If he has offended someone, surely this person should be making the complaint straight away rather than 5 months down the line – and it just so happened that this person was going through a disciplinary process himself and clearly now […]
I raised a Grievance after being dismissed…

I handed in my 2 months notice in December on Wednesday 12th and then was dismissed for gross misconduct on Friday 14th as the manager found it awkward working with me. Although put in writing it was because of a confidentiality reason. I wrote in an email that I wished to appeal this decision on Monday 17th […]
Request for Flexible Working

If i was to put in a request for flexible working after the age of 65 moving from a 5 day week to a 3 day how would my company car be treated as i have this on a fulltime basis currently ?
Am i entitled to redundancy during transfer period

My job has been put at risk of compulsory redundancy as the role is moving to another location, in 2 wk consultation until 28/6 and then redundant. I have been asked if I would stay on for 6 months to help, carry on job whilst new team recruited, train the new team and transfer knowledge with a bonus […]
Settlement exit

I have recently been given a written warning which I have appealed against. I feel the punishment does not fit the crime as they say. I raised my voice to a customer who was abusive, rude and swore at me – there has been no support from my employer on this, they have not followed […]
Recruitment ethics and employee rights

We have a contract recruiter and her job is only to find talent when asked and she recently reported to a senior director that she came across an employee’s resume and now management is “concerned,” which as part of management I am not and find this situation very disturbing. Is it ethical for this recruiter […]
Is it an IR issue?

I just joined a very reputable bank. Hardly 3 months and im being bullied.Ive been told i have an attitude problem, i dont smile or greet(ofwhich is untrue) and im disorganized by my boss’s boss. Im a coordinator and my specialist keeps sending emails about me to her knowing she doesn’t like me and i […]
GDPR for a Finance Department

As a member of a finance team within a childcare company I am struggling to gain some clarity on exactly what we must do.Our HR department are aware of their responsibilities for childcare data but I need further information on our responsibilities as a finance department.So with our parents/families/children already being contacted by our HR […]
Internal Transfer

We have someone moving from one department to another. Hi Guys I am fairly new to HR but learning lots every day. Any help would be appreciated. We have agreed that the transition period needs to be reasonable & that we work together with both managers. The line managers are asking if we keep his […]
Permanent to 18 month FTC, my role filled permanen

Hi, I’ve been with my current emoloyer on a permanent basis for about 2 years. I’ve recently secured a role that is at higher salary grade, but is only a fixed term contract for 18 months to cover maternity leave. However my old role has been advertised as Full-time on a permanent basis. Firstly are […]
advertising for jobs

Is it illegal to advertise a job that isn’t realistic compared to the future employees actual tasks? for instance, a company advertises for a role, 1 person lands the job. However a year into employment the person who got the job doesn’t actually do any of the tasks advertised. is there anything here to suggest […]