Not putting workplace achievements on their CVs is stopping people securing the jobs they want, research from the online CV provider has found.
In a survey of recruiters, 73% said they had rejected candidates because of vague CVs containing no evidence of workplace achievements. Over half said that applicants who sell their achievements effectively could negotiate starting salaries of up to 5% more.
Applicants seem to focus on listing responsibilities rather than personal achievements, the research found, suggesting that CVs are usually written in a rush.
In fact, 71% of applicants admitted that writing their CV took them less than two hours, while a third concentrated the majority of their efforts on making the document stand out with an interesting design.
“Most people think a quirky CV style or generic responsibilities are what employers are looking for, but the research shows that actually the specific achievements of individuals are what make the difference,” said Karl Gregory, iProfile’s CV expert.
“We work with some of the biggest recruiters in the UK and they tell us that candidates regularly undersell their achievements; addressing this issue could significantly boost people’s chances of getting through to the interview stage, as well as getting the salary they deserve.”