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Equality Check

CPO & co-founder

Isabelle Ringnes is the co-founder and product lead of, a platform for crowdsourced anonymous reviews about equality and diversity in the workplace. She is the co-founder and product lead of helping companies improve gender diversity through a data-driven and evidence-based approach by mapping their gender balance and providing solutions to improve based on best available research.  The tool is developed in collaboration with major Norwegian corporations and leading research institutions. In 2015 she founded TENK: a Technology Network for Women aiming to inspire women and girls to lean in and contribute to shaping our world’s future with technology. She has established two-yearly tech-camps for young girls and spoken to thousands of girls around Norway to inspire them to chose technology.

In 2014 she co-founded #Hunspanderer/#Shesgotthis, a social movement addressing unconscious bias and gender stereotypes reaching millions of people and engaging CEOs across Norway’s most influential companies to champion the issue. In 2016 she won a national competition granting her a scholarship to attend Singularity University at NASA Research Center where she is currently faculty on diversity. Isabelle has been named one of six norwegians in “100 most influential people in Nordic Tech”. Isabelle produces a weekly podcast called Future Forecast, discussing technology, leadership and sustainability with leaders and experts around the world, including guests like Randi Zuckerberg, Richard Quest and Simon Sinek. In 2019 she published a best-selling book called Hvem Spanderer about unconscious bias.  Isabelle is a highly sought-after public speaker and a well-known profile on technology in the Norwegian news and TV Media. She is an active board member in Dermanor and Isabelle’s love for technology is rooted in its vast opportunities and unique ability to empower each and every connected human-being to make a positive difference in the world.