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Senior Mediation Consultant

Macarena has been working professionally in the field of conflict resolution for the past 11 years. She is a senior mediation consultant at Consensio, where she delivers mediation services, and a wide range of bespoke mediation and conflict management training programmes. She also works as an accredited workplace, family and community mediator and trainer for Creating Resolution and other organisations such as Essex Mediation, Leap Confronting Conflict and University of Hertfordshire, engaging with executives, academics, teams and community groups on mediation, conflict resolution and self-awareness training, as well as young people in schools and youth organisations. She also works as an assessor in accredited mediation programmes and as conflict coach helping people understand how to change their relationship to conflict and prepare for mediation processes. Macarena has lectured on conflict theory and self-awareness and reflective practice at the PgCert and MSc courses at Birkbeck College, and is the ‘Applied theory’ module leader in the PgCert on ‘Conflict Resolution and Mediation’ at Regent’s University, UK. She has been a member of the Board of Trustees with Mediation Hertfordshire for four years. She is member of the College of Mediators, National Family Mediation, Civil Mediation Council, Mediators Beyond Borders and Association for Conflict Resolution. Macarena was born in Málaga, Spain, and has lived in London for the last 18 years with her husband.