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Genius Within


Nancy is a Registered Occupational Psychologist with 15 years’ experience of assessing, coaching and researching neurodiversity at work. Nancy has always worked closely with Occupational Health, HR, Managers and individuals to ensure win-win solutions. 

Nancy has delivered on New Deal, Work Programme and the National Offender Management Service and is committed to promoting the talents of neurodiverse people as a means of social inclusion. Nancy was part of the development and delivery of the Royal Television Society’s Documentary of the Year 2016, ‘Employable Me’. This BBC series illustrates the difficulties that people with disabilities face in modern workplaces and how these can be overcome through Positive Assessment and simple reasonable adjustments.

Nancy is committed to evidence-based practice and has pioneered award winning research directions through her campaigning work with the British Psychological Society and her doctoral research at City, University of London. Nancy is CEO of Genius Within