I was having a conversation with a friend of mine yesterday who was telling me about a new Manager within their organisation. Following a re-structure this person has been appointed to the newly created role of Area Manager and is responsible for 2 or 3 teams spread across a geographical area.

The story continued in that the new Area Manager has now been in position for approximately 5 weeks and to date there has <!–break–>been no contact with their new team(s) either individually or collectively. It appears that the only way to get to meet with the new manager is to phone them direct and ask for an appointment in their diary.

This approach raises a number of questions in my mind such as;

There are many more questions that could be asked here………..

In my experience this is a far from the best way to start off with a new team for any new manager, let alone an Area Manager with perhaps more than one team. “So what would be the best start?” Well, certainly a more structured and perhaps thought-out approach is likely to be more effective. Perhaps it might look something like this;

Of course, this is just one approach and each situation should be assessed carefully to ensure that the best approach is selected. My preference would be to work directly with the new leader, exploring options and ideas to help them set their team up to get the ‘smoothest’ transition to new leadership as possible.

What would you suggest best practice in the instance quoted above? I would be happy to see your ideas.

Martin Smith Learning and Development Ltd – Developing your people to GROW your business

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