Calling all HR departments scouting the top talent: have you looked at your benefits packages for employees?! Regardless of what industry your company does business in, it is only natural to want to recruit the best of the best.  To convince the top talent in your field to choose your firm, you need to be offering a convincing and unique benefits package.

When HR departments think it’s all about the salary, that’s the first in a long line of mistaken judgements.  A negotiable salary is important, but most companies can up the ante where money is concerned.  To stand out from the crowd, you need to offer top employees something different, such as a flexible benefits package that changes with their needs.  Between two roles with equal pay, it’s often the benefits package which will be the deciding factor and its not unheard of for employees to move to companies offering a lower salary for better benefits. 

Talented individuals who are in demand will have plenty of career options open to them, and will make a carefully considered decision.  They will not only want a scenario which benefits them at this stage in their life; they will think about their long-term needs too.  Pensions, health insurance and a company car are probably high on the agenda as an expectation – but above all, most employees will value flexibility.

Businesses need to realise that benefits packages are not a one-size-fits-all approach, and customisation is key – especially when attracting and retaining the best.  Flexible packages not only let each individual employee choose each element included in their benefits, but they can also be amended over time. Everyone has changing requirements as they go through different life stages, and some benefits will be sacrificed for other more important and relevant services.  Without this option, some staff will be forced to look elsewhere.

Certain benefits such as a company car or help towards childcare could be the deciding factor for young individuals planning to start a family in the near future for more information visit  For more mature talented professionals you are trying to headhunt, a generous pension arrangement could ultimately be more valuable than the salary or any other benefit.  But the most imperative thing to offer, in order to attract and retain talent in the workforce, is flexibility.  Flexible benefits are the key to hooking high-achieving individuals and keeping them at your company for years to come.

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