Understanding the capability of your workforce is critical to the successful implementation of any HR or people strategy. It’s fair to assume that management know the capability of their employees. In reality though, many don’t. So how do we measure capability?
Typically, you should consider whether employees have the right knowledge, technical skills and behavioural traits to deliver their role. If they don’t possess the right attributes now, do they have the potential to in future?
The most effective way to get a sense of organisational capability is to carry out a comprehensive capability review – or capability audit as it is also known. This may evaluate some or all of employees’ technical skills, knowledge, behaviour and potential.
After implementing a capability review, you will:
· Have a wealth of information about the capability of your workforce at individual, team and organisational level
· Be able to put clear talent management plans in place as it will be easy to identify gaps that require recruitment or development initiatives.