Rapid e-learning courseware development is a current trend; the demand and the keyword for ultra-rapid is in near future. It is difficult to guess the relationship between increase in e-learning demand and no. of developers; but one is for sure that the demand is for lesser time and cost with better quality are up. It is a challenge as well as a beauty of the game.
Today e-learning developers are mushrooming on an individual basis, in groups and as an organizational structures; but still it seems that the demand is unmet. Compare to groups and organizations, there is unprecedented increase in individual e-learning developers. This is a very good business opportunity for developed e-learning organizations; for them it is a business as well as support to the community.
E-Template is a new product stream introduced by e-learning organizations. This product is for rapid e-learning courseware developers.
Clients demand an e-learning solution, they doesn’t bother which tool you use, what process you follow and how you handle the development. We suggest you not to indulge into things which client doesn’t bother; get it done by some experts in cheaper cost and with better quality. E-Template is such thing you no need to design and develop; you just work on the learning strategy – make use of readymade e-templates to implement the strategy effectively.
So pull up your sleeves and be confident; e-templates are there to help you out to channelize your instructional strategy or content design into different styles of representations.
There are free templates on offer developed in following tools:
- Articulate Storyline,
- Adobe Captivate,
- Lectora, etc.
In general templates are available for following types of content representations:
- Charts and Graphs
- Engaging interactions
- Texts and Graphics
- Gamifications
- Assessments
Makes use of etemplates to enhance your content presentation and save time.
Please let us know your comments or share with others who you think may benefit from this. Follow us on twitter @elearning_serv or visit www.etemplate.elearningserv.com/ for our latest Elearning Templates.