Critical function in an organization is mainly the tasks done by the Human Resources Department as it deals with the most important assetsi.e. employees. Almost 40% of an HR personnel’s day is spent on the employees’ database management daily. Even though with regular updating of employees’ records helps in easy monitoring but many of the core jobs of an HR gets lagged behind. Due to this scenario organization’s efficiency also gets hampered. A major task to be handled by HR is management of employees’ informationand updating the database regularly.

The influential key for organization effectiveness and risk mitigation is the company’s employees’ and their management. An essential practise followed in every organization is the Employee Database Management. But to maintain and update information about every single employee in the organization from the joining to exit date is strenuous task for the HR. Generally, information related to employees is handled by different managers in different departments and on different systems which creates confusion and difficulty to assemble the widespread data into one point. If this information is not properly measured it could lead to frauding and manipulations.As businesses expand to different locations, a consolidated and efficiently managed database system is essential. A tool which would bring in all information at a single point and accessible to all managers positioned at different systems or locations is a relief.

Exenta HRMS Staff Information System(SIS) is a module which records all the important details related to employees’ work and personal information. It is a readily reachable point of information between the organizations’ management and employee. Any member of the organization can easily pull-out information about their colleague when required. Since the information is customarily filled by the employees it can be ensured that it is correct. Employees also have access so they can update and correct mistakes anytime, so out-dated data is rarely found in the database. Employees can assign the visibility level of certain fields i.e. public or private view but all the fields would be visible to the administrators. The module can be termed as the principal employee databanksince it comprises of all the essential information about an employee.

The main and hectic task is the employee database regular updatingabout work and personal information of an employee. These tasks are handled under the Employee Information tool. The fields in this tool comprises of personal details, job service, emergency contacts, education details, profile completion level and many more. The grouping of work status is also provided which distinguishes between working and resigned employees of the organization. As the required fields information are filled by the employee itself so accuracy can be ensured. Here all information related to work and personal are available readily. Reporting could be done on various analysis and printing and documenting these reports are also possible.

          Organizations take keen interest in upgrading the skills of employees and give them opportunities to escalate their career path. For monitoring the skills inherited by an employee the Skill MatrixTool is available, it lists the number of employees with a particular skill and their proficiency level in that skill. Since the listing is done on the basis of the skill and its proficiency level, so administrators and higher authorities are able recognize where a particular employee(s) need improvement. Employees’ at times have requirement of letter(s) to be issued from the organization. The Letter Generation Tool offers a letter generationrequest with fields to set the department and authority which has to issue the letter and the need for the letter. The approval for the request depends upon the assigned authorityin the request form. These requests and approvals are stored and the issued letter could be either be exported to Microsoft Word or taken a print.

         Exenta HRMS Staff Information System (SIS) moduleoffers staff information administration tool that helps in evolving and controlling an organization’s human resources resourcefully. The complete span of employees’from the employment to exit phase has been covered in the module. The work status can be regularly administeredas a result reducing the HR daily task, maximizing productivity, employee satisfaction and principally reducing expenditures. In this module the database gets automatically updated with all the information linked to work and personal data’s of an employee.

For quick and efficient reports on analysis in real-time about an employee is the requirement then Exenta HRMS-Staff Information System Module is the halt point.