FXL is the first FMCG management training company to develop software that helps customers measure the ROI of external training courses. The Digital Coaching tool, which bridges the gap between learning and staff development, answers a demand from budget owners for a way of evidencing the true business value of training.

Chris May, managing director of FXL explains: “There are hundreds of training companies but few take steps to help customers appreciate the long-term value of their investment. It seems strange because trainers are in the best position to do this; software companies have developed talent management solutions but they aren’t able to understand the real needs of end users – there’s too much of a disconnect. Trainers have the advantage here.”

The mobile optimised tool is accessed by company trainers, senior management and employees and provides an end-to-end overview of their unique learning and development programme. In advance of coaching sessions, employees identify and record their key learning needs, assigning a value to their current level of skill and leaving comments or questions they would like FXL’s coaches to review.

May says: “Budget handlers are naturally cautious about how they allocate funds, they need to know that investments are resulting in real value. FXL Digital Coaching promotes staff engagement giving employees and managers input into the training process. As such it encourages staff to work closely with their superiors, before and after coaching, improving working relationships and maximising training ROI.”

Following each 1-2-1 session with FXL, the staff member documents their initial feedback, and in conjunction with their manager, records specific goals alongside deadlines for the coming months. The coach also inputs their feedback and guidance.  During subsequent review meetings with their line managers the original skill ratings are updated to reflect changes in proficiency.

Hierarchical log-ins mean that junior employees only have access to their own coaching records while senior staff can view the development of any personnel they manage.                                       

May comments: “Using the Digital Coaching tool, senior managers and budget handlers have a clear overview of staff training and can track how and when objectives are met. This makes it easier to integrate training with the appraisal process.

An existing FXL customer comments: “Digital Coaching joins up the dots between the bespoke 1-2-1 coaching our managers receive from FXL with what they put into practice in the day job, and the support they receive to do it. Initial results are encouraging: the system appeals to our modern generation of employees, it’s real-time and accessible for us in HR, and it gives us an instant helicopter view on a daily basis. It also helps to identify L&D needs on an individual level and therefore helps the appraisals and recognition process.”

The launch of the Digital Coaching tool coincides with a digital re-brand for FXL. The company which specialises in bespoke FMCG management training has been active in the market over four decades and has been involved in the training of some of the country’s largest household FMCG names.

As part of the re-brand, FXL has today launched an updated website accompanied by a new logo depicting the nimble fox jumping over the lazy dog. The image is indicative of FXL’s updated branding: smart, nimble, above and ahead.