Getting the right message to the right people.

Within employee wellbeing programmes, health and wellness programmes, employee engagement programmes, or whatever else they are getting called; there is a problem that the best companies overcome.
The employees who take part in programmes like these are generally already active. Individuals who already go out for walks on their weekends or bankholiday, or those who already play hockey or 5-a-side football once a week are more than happy to show off to the rest of the workforce just what a picture of health they are.
It is getting to the sedate individuals who have no motivation, a body-shape complex, embarrassed about their lack of fitness or are just plain lazy that are really going to make the difference to the companies bottom line.
There are two issues here:
1) How do you get the message across internally to EVERYONE within the workforce, including those who don’t want to hear it?
2) How do you then engage EVERYONE within the programme so that they become actively part of it?
The answer to question 1 is through the culture, which ulimately comes from management. The various management levels have to be champions of an initiative and not simply be paying lip-service, which will be completly transparent to those who don’t fancy it anyway.
The answer to question 2 is slightly more difficult. Again, it stems from culture. Is the environment non-judgemental so to not bother individuals who might want to get involved. But secondly, and as importantly, the interventions and initiatives in place should cater for EVERYONE. For example, for every "cycle to work" campaign, there should be "take the stairs" campaign. This would provide smaller steps for those who need it. Also, holistic therapies can work wonders for mental state, moral and suchlike. There’s no need to strip down to your lycra shorts in order to get a 15 minute head-massage.
Please think about any employee wellbing initiative you implement carefully and for any help on the matter email
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