Companies continue to make substantial investments in employee surveys.  But to realise a survey’s true value, you must have actionable data that’ll drive growth.

Many companies report that they struggle to understand survey data.  Drawing simple yet accurate conclusions from a large volume of data isn’t always straightforward.  It is often hard to assess how positive a survey score is when viewed in isolation. 

Benchmarking can help, providing clarity and context on results.  This will ensure managers have accurate data to inform action plans.  We look closely at this topic in our latest whitepaper Go compare: The role of employee survey benchmark data.

Benchmarking is only one aspect of a successful employee survey process though.  In order to maximise a survey’s effectiveness, a bespoke approach is needed.  This means identifying the ‘key drivers’ of engagement for each organisation.  Then you can ask the right questions and get accurate, usable data.