If you’ve seen the news, a fifth of the UK suffers from poor mobile network coverage, according to the government.

The Culture Secretary Sajid Javid said he was determined to sort out the issue of mobile “notspots”. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-29897202. Have you ever been unable to make calls or send text messages with your network? I have!

Whatever the outcome of this challenging technological communications issue, avoiding ANY communication breakdown in the workplace, is vital. For example, have you ever had someone say something to you, only to find out later that you misunderstood the meaning of what they were saying in the first place? This can happen purely by accident but communication breakdowns can easily get out of hand and can cause problems. To prevent them, it's important to get your message across clearly and in a way that’s understood by the receiver.

Here are 5 top tips from Creativedge on how to avoid a communication breakdown:-


Ever struggled to put into words what you think, feel or mean? Ever misunderstood someone because you placed different meanings on their words than they intended?

This is because language is actually quite personal; it reflects our own individual perception of the world. Although in any society, many words are universally understood, others have less defined meanings and can be interpreted differently depending on the person, the speaker’s tone or the circumstances.

2. Be aware of EMOTIONS

Our mood can easily affect the way we give and receive information.

When we are in a good mood, certain things said to us will be better received than if we were angry or upset.

When we’re feeling emotional, the logical (objective) side of our brain gives way to the emotional (subjective).

This can lead to all sorts of conclusions being drawn, that simply weren’t intended.

Similarly, if we are feeling emotional about one thing, but discussing another, our emotions may spill over and may be taken out of context.

3. Use the right METHOD

Choosing the wrong method of communication can easily lead to misinterpretation.

Select the methods that are most appropriate to the content of the message. For example, choosing email may NOT be the best method for communicating sensitive or complex information. A telephone or face to face conversation may well be more effective.


Technical words or jargon can be consuming.

Avoid using complex words when simple ones will do. Never use jargon or abbreviations unless you’re sure the other person understands them. Just keep it simple, like this:-

– Helpful NOT advantageous

– Equal NOT commensurate

– Try NOT endeavour

– Help NOT facilitate

– Carry out NOT implement

– Use NOT leverage

Using words that aren’t in everyone’s vocabulary can lead to the other person making assumptions or assigning the wrong meaning to them, so leading to misunderstandings.

5. Make it MATCH

When a person’s words say one thing but their actions say another, it can cause real confusion.

Ever been in a conversation and just ‘felt‘ that the other person was misleading you? This is probably because what they were saying and what they were doing told you two different things, a ‘mismatch’ e.g., “I’m very sorry to say…” said with a smiling face.

If the message is a serious one, then act serious.

If something isn’t a problem, then make sure your manner tells the same story.

If you want to enjoy more tips about good Communication visit the Creativedge free mobile App providing immediate, expert management and personal development tips and advice on:-

